January 25


3 Things You Should Know About The FULL Moon – (January 28th, 2021)

The Full Moon happening on January 28th is full of exciting blessings!

This article will share 3 things that will help you “tap into” this incredible potential!

1 Getting Ready… To E X P A N D 

Years ago, I recall a grocery store being built in my community.

I drove by what seemed like an endless “work in progress” every day on my way to work.

It was interesting…

For months, it seemed like nothing was happening.

There were always people there working, drilling, and doing God knows what else lol.

But it didn’t seem like a lot of progress was being made?

The next thing I know…

All the walls were up!

A week later… there were windows… and the whole store was painted.

Not long after, I found myself shopping there for some “3rd Eye Chai” kombucha 🙂

Once the foundation was solid…

Everything whipped together in what seemed like a blink of the eye 🙂

That’s how life works sometimes…

Especially when it comes to spiritual awakening.

The good news is…

You’ve already been working on your foundation for a long time.

Now there are just a few last tweaks before the BIG expanse.

Do you feel it?

As you tap into your intuition…

And project a little into the future…

What do you feel?

I bet you sense some exciting things on the horizon!

To tap in like that, you may have to look past the minor hiccups present.

These are nothing more than little blessings of awareness from your higher self saying…

Hey… you’re about to experience a big inflow of many of the things you’ve been wanting…

(and also some surprises I think you’ll be pleased with!)


to enjoy the FULL benefits… let’s make these few adjustments first 🙂

During the time period of this potent Full Moon it’s a good time to…

1. Stay in your own frame… & shield your energy from unnecessary drama…

There’s plenty of it right now… but most of it doesn’t have anything to do with you.

2. Look for the deeper meaning… and potential benefits… behind your “life’s hiccups”… (stress, resistance, random problems, etc)

3. Be patient… you never know when you’re only 3 feet from gold 🙂

2 – Uncovering Your TRUE Worth

A lot of our biggest “blocks” & hiccups

have nothing to do with money, people, or situations…

and everything to do with self worth.

The Full Moon energy right now is beautiful, uplifting, and EXPANSIVE!

More so… the energy is inviting 🙂

It’s saying…

Come dance… come play… come celebrate in this new dimension!

Most of us right now are too rigid… to stiff… to dance and flow and MATCH… this uplifting energy.

Panache Desai… a popular contemporary spiritual teacher says that everyone’s DEEPEST core wound stems from… the “belief in unworthiness.”

This shouldn’t come as a big shock…

By now, you’ve caught on to how the mind works…

It remembers ALL of our mistakes… and quickly forgets our triumphs.


For example, I can film a YouTube video that has 1,000 comments of praise, appreciation, and love…

But if there’s ONE person that has something even slightly negative to say…

Take a guess at what my focus of attention will be?

Most of us have lived our entire lives with this same disproportioned focus…

We dwell on… and define ourselves based on our faults

and gloss right over our assets, successes, and talents.

BUT… that dysfunctional and skewed perception prevents us from dancing!

Right now life is helping to uncover those deep inner child wounds…

Look past the situation… and into the feelings conjured by it.

How long have you been feeling these old emotions?

When did it all start?

Do you still identify with that old version of yourself?

Are these feelings up to date?

I highly doubt they are!


You’ve changed…

You’ve evolved…

You’ve learned!

You’re NEW my friend…

& this Full Moon as well as the intention behind this entire article is to help you wake up to that.

It’s time to let it all go…

It’s time to claim your freedom.

It’s time to dance!

3 – Awakening To The MAGIC that Surrounds You

The truth is…

Life is MAGICAL!

Magic, synchronicity, and divinity are an integral part of very fabric of our reality.

I will never forget witnessing my wife give birth to my 3 children.

The complexity that goes into such an “accomplishment” is far beyond comprehension.

The millions of moving pieces that fit together in perfect harmony is bogging to the mind!

And yet, babies are born every day.

And the birthing process is just ONE of the billions of brilliant & seemingly effortless expressions of the universe.

Somewhere however, we have taken a wrong turn…

We have, as a collective, chosen to forget this magical design of life…

We wanted to play the game of unconsciousness.

As an eternal soul, I suppose I can see the attraction to such a challenge!

This choice however caused a great wave of fear & fog… to wash over the hearts of humanity.

and for thousands of years we have conducted ourselves under the false pretense that we are separate.. vulnerable… finite.

So, looking back throughout human history…

it’s not so easy to see the magic.

But… the tides have shifted and for whatever reason, we find ourselves in the midst of an incredible transformation!

We are waking up from this slumber of separateness.

And this isn’t something that eventually will happen…

It’s happening NOW.

You and I are literally experiencing this metamorphosis in this very moment!

Already… the potential to live a magical life is available.

When my daughter was 3 years old…

She said to my wife and I…

“Im going out back to catch a bird.”

She was holding a little toy butterfly net. LOL

Of course sweet heart… good luck with that! lol

Obviously there’s no way a 3 year old little kid is going to have any luck catching a bird with a little net.

And yet…

5 minutes later…

I swear to you…

My daughter reappeared behind our sliding glass door wall… with a small, living bird in her net!

She was so nonchalant about it too!

She had an energy like… “are you surprised? cuz I’m not”


the bird was injured and couldn’t fly!

None the less… my darling 3 year old accomplished exactly what she set out to do 🙂

Even at the time, I saw this as a wonderful metaphor…

Young children haven’t learned limitation yet…

They haven’t been taught that certain things are impractical or unlikley.

And to this day, I belive my daughter’s open mindedness…

Her openness to magic and miracles allowed her to do something that us adults would have deemed impossible.

Right now…

We are going through a deep process of unlearning...

We are shedding this heavy wet blanket of doubt, fear, and limitation.

This time period is FULL of miracles, magic, synchronicity!

There’s no need to wait…

No need to hope and pray…

All we have to do is open our eyes to the endless possibilities always present in each and every God given moment.


astrology, full moon, full moon January 28th, January full moon, spiritual awakening, victor oddo

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  1. Victor, your story of your daughter and the bird is one I wish the whole world could hear and understand. The thing I constantly come back to in this journey is innocence. When we are innocent, it allows us to be curious and imaginative and I have found that the more I come back to this innocence that ANYthing is possible. The world tries to make us believe that things are and have to be a certain way, but I believe we are INFINITE. Much love brother

  2. Most of these answers were always there but, at this time, I finally got it!

    1. Whatever we put our Energy into the most becomes our experience.

    2. How we feel about other people is an objective projection of how we feel about ourselves–there to help us become more Loving and Creative–like God.

    3. Dis-ease is not caused by germs or viruses. It is a projection of our own negative emotion(s) that have not yet been identified and evolved.

    4. There is no such thing as "forgiveness" because there is nothing to forgive. . There is only the full recognition and healing of what we have learned on a Soul's level from the incident in question.

    5. God is not out there or up there. It is in there and everywhere!!

  3. This post was such a potent and helpful read and this time and it served as a great reminder of these timeless truths. You're a brilliant writer Victor! Appreciate your work in whatever format it's presented!

  4. 🙏 Thank you!

    Praise be to you! and your gift to see more and generosity of love to share. I am honoured and grateful of you in my life.

    I am catching a bird or two everyday 😊

    Happy Fullmoon!

  5. Some times we need to just look at where we are. I was living in such a state of fear with a person who completely rejected me because I believe outside of the box so to speak. (Listening to people like you lol!) Following Radiant Rose Academy just reallly sealed my rejection. I was living in a tiny place sleeping on a sofa in clutter (I am a minimalist) but near the ocean where I went everyday to marvel, bless and thank the Universe for such beauty! In the end, I was guided on where to go & wow, I live in a huge place, Rocky Mountains right here a stone throw from trailheads, A beautiful home (My son's) with a perfect view. (I pay rent of course) I am so happy, the mountains just give me such a feeling of strength, while the ocean had given me peace. Friends as opposed to my isolation back "there" A job & money, Everything I was fearing, changed. Due to my continued trust in the Universe, facing my demons of fear…Wherever you are now, just keep going with faith and trust and courage. Thanks Victor, people like you keep me going.

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