November 1

How To Deal With Haters


In this episode, Pattie and I discuss our experiences with haters and how we manage our relationships with them! As we have found, the more you grow the more likely you are to encounter resistance from other people! Haters can oftentimes force us to discover how to manage our relationships appropriately and Pattie and I discuss examples when we encountered these times in our lives! 


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  1. I hated this podcast. And I’m never leaving you a positive comment again……

    Kidding 😂😂😂 Great conversation & quality info as always 💙 Love you both

  2. Guys I so needed this. Especially when it comes to my family. I’ve had to seperate from all of them except my mom.

    I was questioning: by choosing to stay away am i giving them or the triggers I should say too much power or just loving myself enough to say…wtf do I keep coming around. I know they dont know any better but even when I would handle with love, the narcistic criticisms would continue.

    As far as sharing my dreams, all of them at one time or another even before awkening just literally laughed in my face lol. Soooo, I stepped away.

    Thank you guys for this podcast!

  3. Perfect!
    I belonged to a chat room some 12 years ago where most people just loved me and my chat. In fact the room owner made me an Admin. Anyways one day everyone started ripping on me and my comments and it became unbearable so I left the room I loved, a couple of months later I decided to revisit the room anonymously and lo and behold, those people were all gone and all the people welcomed me with love. My chat was the same, my personality is the same so those haters weeded themselves out!
    Love the podcast and I love you guys!

  4. Tulsi Gabbard 2020 “It must be our mission, to ensure that the 21st century will forever be known as the turning point in human history, that era in which the world’s great powers chose to abandon the path to confrontation and war and agreed to pursue the path of cooperation, diplomacy, and peace.”

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