February 9


5 Things You Should Know About The NEW Moon (February 11th, 2021)

1. Energy Healing

Right now is an excellent time to “clear your energy.”

There is so much “dust” getting kicked up right now… floating in the breeze and sensitive people especially may be feeling this.

A lot of this is our own stuff… (but not all of it).

Our collective situation reminds me of an ayahuasca ceremony.

The shaman sings songs (icaros)… with the intent of drawing out the darkness, negativity, and unconsciousness out of the group.

This is “the purge.” – something the entire planet is experiencing right now.

However after a couple songs they often go around with sage, or another sacred smoke to clear out the space… to transmute that energy. 

Right now there is so much healing taking place… so much purging.. and while this is fantastic and exactly what the collective needs it can quickly become unnecessarily uncomfortable if we don’t “clear our space.”

Last week I was running a retreat here in Sedona.

It was so POWERFUL!

There was so much healing… and so many breakthroughs.

However, after one particularly transformative day, I failed to clear my own energy.

I went to bed that night feeling very vulnerable… very open.

In fact, and you can take this for what you will…

As I was trying to fall asleep I could sense the presence of MANY astral beings… all around me.

These beings weren’t “negative” in a sense… but they weren’t loving and benevolent either.

It was distracting and quite uncomfortable!

My interpretation was that they were just mirrors for all the energy I picked up throughout the day.

Luckily the lovely woman that sleeps next to me at night (my wife Pattie)… is a healer and hooked me up with a quick sage clearing.

Instantly, I felt better… more clear, more grounded, more rooted in my OWN energy.

2. It Didn’t Start With You… (& Reclaiming Your Space)

I’m reading this awesome and enlightening book right now… “It Didn’t Start With You” ~ Mark Wolynn

This book argues that a lot of the fears, phobias, anxiety, and even physical issues are rooted from what Mark calls, “inherited trauma.”

An example of this from my own life…

My grandfather lost his son when he was 10 years old to tuberculosis.

I was tragically hit by a fire cracker at age 9.

When my daughter was about 9, I started to feel an intense fear, dread, and paranoia that something was going to tragically happen to her.

The fear was so intense and plagued me for years!

I knew it was irrational… but the feelings of fear and dread were so real and powerful that it kept me awake countless nights.

Every time my daughter would be out of my sight I was plagued by intense worry.

Making the connection to my grandfather and seeing how these emotional themes have been playing out has really helped me… Reclaim My Space.

It really helped me to see that those emotions… stemmed from grandpa. As much as I love him… I am choosing to create some energetic distance.

I am choosing to reclaim my space.

So many of our patterns didn’t start with us… but we carry that energy.

Because of our spiritual awakening, we are fortunately able to break these painful ancestral cycles.

How do we do it?


By realizing that it was never ours to begin with!

3. The Lightworker’s Initiation

Years ago, after MUCH resistance and procrastination, I finally started to follow my intuition and passion.

For me, this involved selling my home, quitting my jobs, and on blind faith, moving my entire across the country in a 21 ft. RV.

That RV was to be our home for the next year! 

When we made the choice to finally go for it I felt so proud of myself.

I thought the hard part was over and it should be smooth sailing from that point on.

Days later, & over 1,000 miles from home I found myself driving that RV through the mountains, at night, in a blizzard!

The roads were horrible… people were spun off on the side of the road left and right.

The storm was projected to only get worse and last for days… plus RV parks aren’t open in the winter, so there stopping to wait it out wasn’t an option.

I had no choice but to forge on!

I felt stuck in a dangerous situation, abandoned by my spirit guides & intuition, and forced to deal with the fact that I put myself (& family) in that situation.

I couldn’t help but wonder why God, or my higher self would do that to me?

Days later when we arrived in San Diego just in time to catch the sunset I knew why.

I can look back now and see clearly that the experience was a rite of passage.

Uncomfortable, overwhelming, scary?


But, it gave me courage, confidence, and made me aware of what I was truly made of.

That realization of my TRUE power carried over into ALL areas of my life from that point forward.

Success, abundance, and FREEDOM soon followed to mirror the person I blossomed into, as a result those rites of passage.

I am now thankful for that exact challenge because I see the value, I see how it shaped me, I see how I wouldn’t be the man I am today without it.

Right now, MANY light workers, healers, and way-showers around the world are leveling up… getting ready to blast off into their purpose and power.

So it’s common, at this stage of the game, when the seeker is ready, to attract these initiations.

They’re really just “perfect scenarios” to uncover your true power.

The only requirement for success?

Don’t give up.

Trust… in your ability to rise to the occasion.

This is not a time to lean on your spirit guides, tarot cards, or spiritual advisors…

It’s a time to discover the resources within yourself.

4. Being More Unapologetic 

There was a time when I felt overwhelmed by the attention I was getting online… (both positive and negative).

The more I pursued my passion and shared my insights on YouTube, the more polarizing of a response I noticed.

Many people LOVED what I had to share… and many DESPISED what I had to say and would take the time to articulate that to me lol.

Every day I was waking up to cruel and hateful comments.

And truth be told…

For a time… I found peace (& escape)… in reading all of the nice things people were saying.

Up and down… left and right… I allowed myself to be pulled at the whim of the latest feedback.

Finally, I realized that I couldn’t continue to live this way.

At that time, I stumbled upon a video on YouTube that helped a lot.

This guy was sharing a story of a bird…

He said, every morning when the sun comes out… there are birds that sing.

Some people walk by the birds and say…

“Oh, what a lovely bird! – what beautiful song :)”

Other people walk by, hung over, crabby and exclaim…

“Shut up you annoying bird!”

What does the bird think of all this?

Nothing at all!

The bird just sings… period.

It doesn’t pay attention to how others perceive or react it just sings because it enjoys singing.

So that’s what I started to do.

I just decided to share my truth… express my passion… as best I could… and leave it at that.

To this day, I get both love and hate no matter what I do or say.

But like that bird… as best I can… I just sing 🙂

So when I say, this time is about being more unapologetic…

I mean you may be realizing how heavy of a burden it is to carry other people’s perception of you on your shoulders.

You also may be finding it harder and harder to keep your “music” to yourself 🙂

You may feel an increased yearning… passion… and inspiration to be your FULL self…

And I can tell you from personal experience, the more you do that, the more of a reaction you will get.

But what’s the alternative?

Suppress your music… & pretend to be someone you’re not?

I also tell you from personal experience that that is more painful… resisting your true self will not work in this new energy.

It’s time to sing your song my friend!

Be the bird…

Passionate… joyful… unattached. 

5. Letting In The LOVE

The love, abundance, and happiness you truly deserve is knocking at your door.

Will you answer it?

Sounds like a no brainer, but most of us… if we’re honest… do everything we can to keep that door closed… locked… secure… safe.

Most of us have walls up around our hearts because we don’t want to be hurt again.

I remember back in early high school I had a crush on a beautiful girl.

I thought she was so amazing… (and way out of my league).

She was the most precious thing I ever laid eyes on.

To my own amazement, after a little while we ended up dating!


I felt like the luckiest and happiest guy on Earth.

One day however, totally out of the blue, she ended the relationship.

I will never forget how I felt after getting that call.

I just slouched down and melted into my couch.

I felt more emotional pain than I could ever remember.

I was emotionally hurt so badly that it was actually a physical experience.

It felt like a dump truck was parked on my chest.

I felt rejected, unworthy, and utterly broken.

Only recently it has come to my awareness that I have been walking through life with my guard up.

People come up to me now all the time and say, “Victor, you changed my life, you have no idea how much of an impact you’ve had on me.”

And I nod my head to be polite, but inside, I energetically push away the compliments.

I don’t hear them fully.

In fact, lately, people have been calling me out!

“Victor, I can tell you’re not really hearing me…”

I have heard multiple times in the last couple months.

My wife Pattie does the same thing.

Her father wasn’t around much when she was growing up.

He would be gone for weeks at a time, traveling for work, and when he was home… he was in his head.

So, as a little girl, as a result from those unmet cravings for her father’s love… Pattie concluded…

“I must be unlovable.”

Fortunately, I have been witnessing life help her break down those walls and help her let the love in!

A while back Pattie was facing this issue in a BIG way…

All of those old childhood wounds were up at the surface and she couldn’t shake them… she couldn’t hide from them.

Finally, she went outside, wrote a letter to herself… burned it in our fire pit and prayed.

She prayed for a sign… prayed for something.

Right then, a humming bird whooshed by her head!

Birds are like positive omens for Pattie and the synchronicity meant a great deal to her.

She said she had a wave of awareness where she realized how much love was surrounding her.

She said for the first time she could actually feel the LOVE from even the plants around her!

The fog… the illusion of being unlovable started to lift and what a sight to witness it has been.

Pattie’s walls have been crumbling and the love is making its way in!

I have seen such a radical transformation in Pattie that words can not express.

She is rising to her power… firmly rooted in her life purpose… healing and helping others with grace… and most importantly, finding true happiness.

Maybe you’re feeling some… (or many)… of those old painful childhood feelings right now?

Maybe life is triggering you with minor situations… that conjure up MAJOR emotional charges?

This is good my friend.

This is the beginning of the end.

The wall is crumbing down…

Your heart is opening.

The love is starting to pour in!

But as it does… first… it has to clear away all the wreckage of the past.

So during this metamorphosis, you may feel off, scattered, or even depressed.


It’s happening!

Now is a time to let yourself feel those old emotions… (one last time).

Now is a time to let go into vulnerability…

Now is a time to let the love in.

The sun is shinning my friend 🙂

You are awakening.

Check out the Video below for more!


February 11th new moon, February new moon, new moon, new moon ascension, new moon astrology, new moon energy update, spiritual awakening, spiritual awakening 2021, victor oddo

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  1. This is lovely Victor! My daughter sent me this today—I’m glad she did. You come across beautifully in writing!

  2. Thanks so much Vic you've been a huge help in my spirtual awakening! A year and half ago I started waking up but I was also a bad heroine addict at the same time I found Aaron first he was great and helped alot but then I found u and really resonated with you because of your addiction problems to the same drug at first and now many more things. I'm a year sober now doing great I'm working towards becoming a energy healer and learning to open the akashic records for myself and others. Through the akashic records I've learned I'm a starseed a lightworker a healer and im empathic. The more I learn about myself the more I realise why I was so drawn to your videos. Your doing a great job man helping out so many people that arnt sure what there gifts are yet or just figuring them out still. I love all your empathic videos I'm still learning about how to deal with that your videos help huge with that so thank you! Namaste my brother

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