August 9


Ceremonial Cacao – How To Prepare Your Cacao For Ceremony (+ Dosage & The Best Type To Use)

Hey my friend, this short article will tell you everything you need to know in order to properly and safely prepare for your upcoming cacao ceremony.


Cacao contains something called “theobromine” which is a vasodilator, meaning it increases your heart rate… and lowers blood pressure.

Ceremony Cacao doses (25 – 42 grams) will increase blood flow to the brain & heart by at least 40%. 

You should speak with your doctor before consuming ceremonial cacao if you are:

  • Taking antidepressants  Cacao contains tryptophan and MAO inhibitors that may cause a synergistic intensification when combined with antidepressants. 
  • Taking hypertension medication
  • Have a Heart Condition
  • If you are Pregnant

With that said… 

If you have a heart condition or are pregnant… it is likely still safe to consume ceremonial cacao but at lower doses of around 15-20g. 

You should also go with cacao paste instead of cacao powder. The fat content in the paste will off set the stimulating effects.

It is not recommended to take ceremonial cacao doses above 55 grams.

Anything at that dosage or higher can produce headaches, sweats, nausea, or even heart palpitations for a small percentage of people.

A typical ceremonial dose is around 25 – 42 grams

If you have done this before… feel free to go up to 42 grams, providing you don’t have any of the conditions listed above.

If it’s your first time – (go with 25 grams).

We use 25 grams or LESS at our retreats and the ceremonies are quite powerful.


Any organic cacao will work just fine… (but cacao paste is ideal)

Amazon Example –

Amazon Example (organic) –

Pattie’s favorite  –

You can also purchase cacao usually for around $10 – $20 from most grocery stores, especially whole foods or stores that carry healthy foods.


BEFORE you start preparing your Cacao think about your intention, bring it into your mind.

Do your best to keep your heart and mind clear of distractions and try and stay focused on your intention while you are making your cacao drink.

If music helps you to stay focused feel free to put some on.

Enjoy the process. 🙂

5 Step Preparation Process:

1. Heat up your water… (You can also replace the water with plant based milk)… you want it very hot… but do not boil.

2. Once hot… combine the hot water or milk and cacao 

Feel free to add any other plants or flavorings you desire… 

For example, I like to add Rose powder to mine. Cinnamon also pairs nicely 🙂

3. Blend well… (a blender works best but a whisk will suffice)

4. Sweeten to taste… pure cacao can be quite bitter so use any sweetener you prefer… the less sugar you use the better though… (I use vanilla stevia drops)

5. Mix and enjoy 🙂

Bring your warm drink to the ceremony and I will take it from there 🙂



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