Awakened Life Academy - LIVE

LIVE weekly tools, motivation, and training to help support your awakened life of abundance, passion, love, and freedom. 


Welcome To ALA!

  • 10 minute

Welcome to the Awakened Life Academy! We just call it ALA for short :) so always be on the lookout for emails with [ALA] in the subject line. I'm thrilled that you've decided to take your life & awakening to the next level!


Welcome to the Awakened Life Academy! We just call it ALA for short :) so always be on the lookout for emails with [ALA] in the subject line. I'm thrilled that you've decided to take your life & awakening to the next level!

You Can Ask Questions Here 

Simply click on this page and submit a question for the next live cast... To be sure your question is answered, please have your question in at least 48 hours prior to the live cast.

Weekly Livecast Trainings

3 Things To Make 2019 Your Best Year EVER!

  • 66 minutes

3 Key things to take off like a rocket ship next year!

How To Start & Sustain A Daily Spiritual Practice (Life Changing)

  • 56 minutes

This session will teach you how to sustain a high vibe way of living. 

How To Live A High Vibration Lifestyle

  • 49 minutes

This session will teach you how to sustain a high vibe way of living. 

How To Attract Members From Your SOUL FAMILY

  • 43 minutes

This session will share 5 things that will help you quickly start attracting members from your SOUL FAMILY!

3 Ways To KNOW Your Life Purpose Before The End Of 2018

  • 41 minutes

This session will help you drastically accelerate the rate at which you come into a TRUE knowing of your reason for comping to earth at this time. 

3 Advanced Ways To Let Go Of Self Limiting Beliefs - (& How To Program NEW Ones)

  • 56 minutes

This session shares how you can finally let go of the conditioned beliefs holding you back from your dreams... and "program in" NEW beliefs that suit you. 

The 5 Types Of Synchronicity (& How To Interpret Them)

  • 56 minutes

Most people get the first 2 types of synchronicity, but when I started getting these other types, they surprised me! Here's how to interpret all 5 types of synchronicity. 

How To Stay Calm, Grounded, & Clear During BIG Life Shifts!

  • 49 minutes

You CAN maintain your sanity... and dare I say even come to ENJOY the journey when you understand... and have some tools to accompany you on your winding path :)

How To Block Out Negative Energy & Maintain Your PEAK Vibrational Frequency

  • 61 minutes

This session will help you learn how rev at a higher vibration throughout the day.

Secrets Of Self-Healing (Emotional & Energetic)

  • 56 minutes

This session will help you learn how to master the art of self healing, which is the CORE theme of this age of awakening we're living in.

How To Connect With Your Spirit Guides

  • 46 minutes

This session will help you learn how to connect to... and communicate with your spirit guides.

How To Release Doubt, Trust Yourself, & THRIVE

  • 45 minutes

This session will help you release doubt, trust yourself (& the process)...  this is the KEY to thriving in this New energy.

A DEEPER Look @ Lightworkers (& Why You're Here NOW)

  • 64 minutes

Everyone in this group is a lightworker...  This session dives deep into the traits and unique role light workers came to play in this grand awakening. 

How To Release Awakening Related Anxiety (part 2)

  • 55 minutes

This is part 2 of our anxiety series and dives into some practical hacks for managing anxiety.. The kind that flares up anytime you step outside of your comfort zone. These tips will help you gain control so you can do what you want to do!

How To Release Awakening Related Anxiety (part 1)

  • 60 minutes

This is part 1 of an important 2 part series that will give you some serious tools, understanding, and know how to quickly release the pockets of trapped energy causing awakening related anxiety. 

How To Have More ENERGY During Your Awakening

  • 50 minutes

This video will help you manage and optimize your energy levels during your awakening, which might be random and fluctuating!

More Livecast Recordings

BONUS COURSE: How To Connect With Your Higher Self 


  • 3 minutes

Imagine if every life decision were made with the council of your eternal, higher self? Life would get pretty great wouldn't it!? This course will help you tap into that source.

Step 1

  • 3 minutes

What blocks most people from this connection, is not a lack of psychic ability or having a low vibration... it's their attitude. It's the state of being they engage from.  This step... 

Step 2

  • 10 minutes

You're already are having higher self contact... Did you know that? It's true! This step will help you learn how to recognize the cues you're already getting.

See More Steps

Special Bonuses

Transform Blocks Into BREAKTHROUGHS!

  • 26 minutes

Anyone attempting to improve themselves on any level is inevitably met with, "resistance." These are emotional & energetic blocks that make forward progress...

Discover Your Life Purpose (in under 30 minutes)

  • 21 minutes

Most awakening souls develop a growing longing to discover their life purpose... ie. their place in the world... an outlet for their uninhibited creative energy.

Access To The Previous Version Of Awakening Together

You can click over to access the old version of the website if you'd like :)

Victor Oddo


Victor is a guide, coach, and mentor for people going through a spiritual awakening. He has helped thousands of awakening souls accelerate their process so that they can go off into the world and shine their light! He is most concerned with raising the collective frequency of the planet and doing his part to help heal and uplift humanity.

2018 Victor Oddo. All Rights Reserved