A simple formula for stimulating your powerful kundalini energy that will help open your chakras, release self limiting beliefs, and awaken you to your true potential.



  • 3 minutes

Imagine if every life decision were made with the council of your eternal, higher self? Life would get pretty great wouldn't it!? This course will help you tap into that source.


Step 1 - (Setting Your Intentions)

  • 4 minutes

This crucial section will help you streamline your intention to activate your kundalini energy, greatly accelerating the process. 

Step 2 - (Purification)

  • 6 minutes

This step will help, "clean you out" so that the kundalini can awaken more easily and gently leading to a very smooth awakening. 

Step 3 - (Your 28 Day Kundalini Morning Routine)

  • 20  minutes

Perform this series of kundalini yoga postures, meditations, and visualizations each morning to stimulate your powerful kundalini energy.

Self Pacing - (How To Adjust Your Speed)

  • 3  minutes

This section will teach you how to, "self pace" which is to make certain modifications to speed up or slow down the process based on your personal feedback. 

Going Forward - (A Simple Game Plan)

  • 13  minutes

This step will clearly lay out your 28 day plan.

Victor Oddo

Victor is a guide, coach, and mentor for people going through a spiritual awakening. He has helped thousands of awakening souls accelerate their process so that they can go off into the world and shine their light! He is most concerned with raising the collective frequency of the planet and doing his part to help heal and uplift humanity.

2018 Victor Oddo. All Rights Reserved