Mercury Retrograde: (How To THRIVE In This "Misunderstood" Energy)

At the time of this video, we were smack dab in a Mercury Retrograde cycle. 

This energy is actually a GREAT time for many things!

Most people however fall into the stereotypes and focus on what some perceive as negative aspects but in doing so MISS out on all of the inherent benefits.

This live cast will focus on helping you THRIVE during this time!

Click Here To See The Video On YouTube:

Victor Oddo


Victor is a guide, coach, and mentor for people going through a spiritual awakening. He has helped thousands of awakening souls accelerate their process so that they can go off into the world and shine their light! He is most concerned with raising the collective frequency of the planet and doing his part to help heal and uplift humanity.

2018 Victor Oddo. All Rights Reserved