How To Attend The Live Energy Update Coaching Sessions:
To join the Live Q&A Sessions, simply click below (at the scheduled day & time)
From Victor:
Twice a month I will be there, present, live, and eager to help you maintain forward progress in your life journey and awakening unfoldment.
I encourage you to be open, honest, and vulnerable... for I can only help you if you reach out.
I frequently admit my own faults, struggles, and many imperfections as a way to encourage and motivate others to do the same.
Basically, I am saying... don't hold back. In fact, YOU opening up... will give others courage to do the same and together we can grow, heal, and progress.
It's a beautiful thing!
Recordings of each session are posted within 2-3 days in the members area.
Upcoming Livecast Dates: (All Pacific Time Zone)
You will always be notified of the live session schedule via email.
Next Steps:
Stay committed to yourself this year. Set your intentions for all you wish to achieve. YOU are a POWERFUL co-creator. Whatever you can see & feel... you can experience!
I will be along for the ride, rooting you on!

Victor Oddo
Victor is a guide, coach, and mentor for people going through a spiritual awakening. He has helped thousands of awakening souls accelerate their process so that they can go off into the world and shine their light! He is most concerned with raising the collective frequency of the planet and doing his part to help heal and uplift humanity.

2018 Victor Oddo. All Rights Reserved