Welcome To ALA!

Welcome to the Awakened Life Academy!

We just call it ALA for short :) so always be on the lookout for emails with [ALA] in the subject line. 

I'm thrilled that you've decided to take your life & awakening to the next level

Other announcements for you:

1. The dates of upcoming live casts are in the next post. If you ever miss a session, the recordings will also be hosted for you here in the member's area.

2. We have really cool private Facebook community that you can join by clicking here.

3. Stay tuned for the exact date of our annual meet up! (details coming soon)

Until our next livecast, please enjoy the training in your member's area. It's AWESOME! You'll LOVE it!

Congratulations again for your commitment to self-mastery and ambition to ignite & share your light with the world!

As always, if you need anything, email us at support@awakeninghelp.com and we'll take care of you.

This is YOUR YEAR my friend!

- Talk soon




Victor Oddo


Victor is a guide, coach, and mentor for people going through a spiritual awakening. He has helped thousands of awakening souls accelerate their process so that they can go off into the world and shine their light! He is most concerned with raising the collective frequency of the planet and doing his part to help heal and uplift humanity.

2018 Victor Oddo. All Rights Reserved