Warm Up & Cool Down
Warm Up:
1. Do before every workout
2. You can do this every day as well to accelerate results... however take a rest day if you feel you need it
- Arm Circles X 20 each side
- Standing Torso Twists X 10 each side
- Lying Hip Thrusts: x 10 reps
- Lying Leg or Knee Raises: 10-20 reps
- Lying Hip Thrust Holds: x 20 seconds
- Plank: x 20 seconds
- Hamstring/Glute Stretch X 20 seconds each leg
- Squats: x 10 reps
2 rounds (30 seconds rest in between)
- Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose
- Hip Stretch
- Back Bridge
- Corrective Stretching
- Downward Dog
- Childs Pose
- 3-5 Minutes of relaxed breathing
***Hold Each Pose For 1 Minute***
Leg Exercises
To perform...
- Feet shoulder width... Draw shoulders back, chest up, looking forward
- Grip the bar about shoulder width
- Begin by drawing your hips backwards... as far as you can... allowing your knees to bend only enough to bring your hips back to the max.. & keep a flat back (core tight)
- Focus on feeling tension and a stretch in your hamstring muscles (back of upper thighs)
- Lower the bar down to mid shin...
- Slowly and methodically raise the back back up, keeping your core tight, shoulders back, and back straight.
Dumbell Lunges
Barbell Lunges
To perform... Dumbbell Variation
- Hold dumbbells in your hands and let your arms fall naturally by your sides
- Step backwards, keeping your head & chest up, shoulders back...
- Land your foot back in a way that creates a right angle in both legs
- With your weight in your front heal... power back up to the start and repeat
To Perform... Barbell Variation
1. Do the same thing as you would above, but use a barbell instead. (position it so the weight isn't on your neck, rather on your shoulders and upper back... also make sure to keep your chest up and an upright posture thoughtout
To perform...
- Feet shoulder width... toes pointing out
- Hold the dumbbell in both hands, near your chest area as shown in the video
- With your back straight, stomach tight... squat down
- As you do, press your knees outward and try to "Spread the floor" with your feet, to activate stabilizer muscles
- Descend down as far as possible, ideally having your thighs end up being below parallel to the ground
- Simply keep everything tight, stand back up and repeat
To perform...
- Feet shoulder width... toes pointing out
- Place the bar on your shoulders and upper back muscles, as shown in the video
- With your back straight, stomach tight... squat down
- As you do, press your knees outward and try to "Spread the floor" with your feet, to activate stablizer muscles
- Decend down as far as possible, ideally having your thighs end up being below parallel to the ground
- Simply keep everything tight, stand back up and repeat
- Begin with a bar loaded on the ground. Approach the bar so that the bar intersects the middle of the feet. The feet should be set very wide, near the collars. Bend at the hips to grip the bar. The arms should be directly below the shoulders, inside the legs, and you can use a pronated grip, a mixed grip, or hook grip. Relax the shoulders, which in effect lengthens your arms.
- Take a breath, and then lower your hips, looking forward with your head with your chest up. Drive through the floor, spreading your feet apart, with your weight on the back half of your feet. Extend through the hips and knees.
- As the bar passes through the knees, lean back and drive the hips into the bar, pulling your shoulder blades together.
- Return the weight to the ground by bending at the hips and controlling the weight on the way down.
To perform...
To perform...
- Feet shoulder width... toes pointing out
- Walk towards the barbell, dip under it and scoop it into your front shoulders.
- Place your hands about shoulder width and rotate your elbows forward and up, holding the weight essentially on your shoulders with just your finger tips touching for support.
- With your back straight, stomach tight... squat down
- As you do, press your knees outward and try to "Spread the floor" with your feet, to activate stabilizer muscles
- Descend down as far as possible, ideally having your thighs end up being below parallel to the ground
- Simply keep everything tight, stand back up and repeat
To perform...
- Feet shoulder width... toes pointing out
- With your back straight, stomach tight... squat down
- As you do, press your knees outward and try to "Spread the floor" with your feet, to activate stablizer muscles
- Decend down as far as possible, ideally having your thighs end up being below parallel to the ground
- Simply keep everything tight, and jump up as high as you can
- As you land... without pausing at the top... start dropping right back down into another squat, then simply repeat
- Try to land as smoothly as possible... and if you're jumping so high that your landing hurts in anyway, then simply don't jump quite as high
To perform...
- Begin by crouching down... bending your knees (as to load your muscles)
- Explode up onto the box... as you're jumping, also lift your knees up high to clear the box
- Land flat on your feet in the squat position
- Step down and repeat
To perform...
- Place the top of one of your feet flat on the bench
- Step forward with dumbbells in your hands, hanging by your sides a couple feet
- Bend your front knee and start lowering your body down... keeping your back straight, and your arms hanging down naturally with the weights
- Descend down until your front leg creates a right angle... you should feel a nice stretch in your hips at the lower portion of the movement
- Stand back up to the starting position and repeat... (do one leg at a time for this one)
To perform...
- Crouch down, with your feet about shoulder width... to load up your muscles, in preparation for a big jump!
- Explode forward... not so much up... just forward as far as you can make it
- Land smoothly (as smoothly as possible) with your feet parallel to one another and about shoulder width
To perform...
To perform...
- Feet shoulder width... toes pointing out
- With your back straight, stomach tight... squat down
- As you do, press your knees outward and try to "Spread the floor" with your feet, to activate stabilizer muscles
- Descend down as far as possible, ideally having your thighs end up being below parallel to the ground
- The Tempo - 3 seconds on the way down... and 3 seconds on the way up... with no pauses
- Simply keep everything tight, stand back up and repeat
To perform...
For an easier version...
- Use a shorter chair or bench
- Position the chair near a wall or door... and you can pull yourself up (a little) just enough so that it's challenging... but not too challenging.
To perform...
To perform...
Chest Exercises
To perform...
- Make sure your upper back/shoulders... butt.. and head are all touching the bench... (you want a little arch in your lower back)
- Start driving from your feet... press them into the floor.... as you lift the bar up and down.
- Lower the weights to the lower chest (nipple area)... then extend back up, ending where your arms are perpendicular to the ground
To perform... (the only difference is in this case you'd use a bench with a 45 degree upward angle)
- Lay on the bench... place your feet flat, firmly on the floor, just wider than shoulder width
- Make sure your upper back/shoulders... butt.. and head are all touching the bench... (you want a little arch in your lower back)
- Start driving from your feet... press them into the floor.... as you lift the bar up and down.
- Lower the bar to the lower chest (nipple area)… then extend back up, ending where your arms are perpendicular to the ground
To perform...
- Begin in a standard pushup position...
- Descend all the way to the ground, with your chest touching the floor as usual...
- In this case, EXPLODE upward as you press up... to the point where your arms leave the ground
- Land smoothly, and begin descending right back into another rep
- You may also do this from your knees
To perform...
- Begin in a standard pushup position... (hands shoulder width, core tight, shoulders wide)
- Descend all the way to the ground, with your chest touching the floor
- Keeping your stomach tight, press back up all the way, where your elbows lock out at the top
- Then begin descending right back into another rep
- You may also do this from your knees
To perform...
- Begin in a standard pushup position... (hands shoulder width, core tight, shoulders wide)
- Position your feet elevated on a bench 12-24 inches in height
- Descend all the way to the ground, with your chest touching the floor
- Keeping your stomach tight, press back up all the way, where your elbows lock out at the top
- Then begin descending right back into another rep
Back Exercises
- You must first get a hold of a "weight belt" <<< Click Link
- Position your hands shoulder width... or in any of the variations displayed in the video
- Load up your weight belt with the appropriate weight
- Pull up all the way, where your chest comes close to touching the bar... and then lower yourself down all the way & repeat
To perform...
To perform...
- Place your knee on the bench, and lean forward and place your hand, (same side as your knee) on the bench as well, for support
- Grab the weight with your other hand
- Keep your straight, by keeping your shoulders back and lower back "arched"
- Draw your elbow backwards all the way until your back muscles contract
- Then lower the weight back down... keeping your shoulders lined up... and repeat
To perform...
- Place your knee on the bench, and lean forward and place your hand, (same side as your knee) on the bench as well, for support
- Grab the weight with your other hand
- Keep your straight, by keeping your shoulders back and lower back "arched"
- Draw your elbow backwards all the way until your back muscles contract
- Then lower the weight back down... keeping your shoulders lined up... and repeat
Biceps Exercises
To perform...
- Feet shoulder width... weight leaning forward on finger tips in between feet... toes pointing out 45 degrees.
- Inhale through your nose... look up...arch back...
- Exhale through your nose... extend your legs, flatten your feet (if possible)... round forward.
To perform...
- Feet shoulder width... weight leaning forward on finger tips in between feet... toes pointing out 45 degrees.
- Inhale through your nose... look up...arch back...
- Exhale through your nose... extend your legs, flatten your feet (if possible)... round forward.
To perform...
- Stand up straight...curl one weight up at a time towards your shoulders, rotate your wrists as you do so.
- Do the same thing on the other side until you're finished...
- Stand up with your torso upright while holding a barbell at a shoulder-width grip. The palm of your hands should be facing forward and the elbows should be close to the torso. This will be your starting position.
- While holding the upper arms stationary, curl the weights forward while contracting the biceps as you breathe out. Tip: Only the forearms should move.
- Continue the movement until your biceps are fully contracted and the bar is at shoulder level. Hold the contracted position for a second and squeeze the biceps hard.
- Slowly begin to bring the bar back to starting position as your breathe in.
- Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
To perform...
Triceps Exercises
- Lie on the floor face down and place your hands closer than shoulder width for a close hand position. Make sure that you are holding your torso up at arms' length.
- Lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor as you inhale.
- Using your triceps and some of your pectoral muscles, press your upper body back up to the starting position and squeeze your chest. Breathe out as you perform this step.
- After a second pause at the contracted position, repeat the movement for the prescribed amount of repetitions.
To perform...
To perform...
- To begin, stand up with a dumbbell held by both hands. Your feet should be about shoulder width apart from each other. Slowly use both hands to grab the dumbbell and lift it over your head until both arms are fully extended.
- The resistance should be resting in the palms of your hands with your thumbs around it. The palm of the hands should be facing up towards the ceiling. This will be your starting position.
- Keeping your upper arms close to your head with elbows in and perpendicular to the floor, lower the resistance in a semicircular motion behind your head until your forearms touch your biceps. Tip: The upper arms should remain stationary and only the forearms should move. Breathe in as you perform this step.
- Go back to the starting position by using the triceps to raise the dumbbell. Breathe out as you perform this step.
- Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
To perform...
- You must first get a hold of a "weight belt"
- Get up on a dip bar, as shown in the video
- Lower your body down until your upper arm drops below parallel
- Extend back up and repeat
- For this exercise you will need to place a bench behind your back. With the bench perpendicular to your body, and while looking away from it, hold on to the bench on its edge with the hands fully extended, separated at shoulder width. The legs will be extended forward, bent at the waist and perpendicular to your torso. This will be your starting position.
- Slowly lower your body as you inhale by bending at the elbows until you lower yourself far enough to where there is an angle slightly smaller than 90 degrees between the upper arm and the forearm. Tip: Keep the elbows as close as possible throughout the movement. Forearms should always be pointing down.
- Using your triceps to bring your torso up again, lift yourself back to the starting position.
- Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
To perform...
Shoulders Exercises
To perform...
- Feet shoulder width... begin by resting the dumbbell on your shoulder, as shown in the video.
- With your posture erect, core tight, & mind focused...
- Extend your arm upwards until the dumbbell is all the way up and your arm is fully extended.
- As you're raising up, rotate your wrist so that your palm ends up facing away from you
- Use your balance and focus to stay tight...
- Simply lower the weight back down and repeat.
To perform...
- Position your hands at roughly shoulder width...
- With your posture erect, core tight, and mind focused...
- Raise the bar above your head, in a sense, moving your face out of the way on the way up...
- Finish with your arms straight, elbows locked... and the bar positioned directly over your heard.
- As you lower the bar back down (from resting near your neck on your hands and shoulders)... be mindful not to catch your face on the way down with the bar
Core Exercises
To perform...
- Lay down flat on a secure bench... & Grip the bench firmly near your head.
- Keeping your core tight... raise your legs (to adjust intensity... play around with bend in your knees... straight is most challenging).....
- As you raise your legs, make sure to really grip with your hands to maintain posture.
- Once you reach the top, as shown in the video... slowly lower your legs back down & repeat
To perform...
- Position your feet a few inches wider than shoulder width on each side
- Feet flat... lay all the way back
- Arms extended in front of you
- Stomach tight... raise up until your elbows line up with your knees
- If need be... you can either swing your body up... if it's difficult for you... or place your feet under a secure object like a couch for leverage
To perform...
- Use a small ball or weight of 5-10 pounds
- Sit on your bottom... cross your feet... if you can, raise your feet a few inches off the ground
- Lean back in a way that allows you to balance as shown in the video
- Rotate your torso and touch the ball or weight to the floor beside you, and then simply rotate the other way to touch the other side
- Repeat until finished
- As an alternative to using a weight or ball... you can simply use your hands, but make sure to touch the floor each rep
To perform...
- Feet shoulder width... weight leaning forward on finger tips in between feet... toes pointing out 45 degrees.
- Inhale through your nose... look up...arch back...
- Exhale through your nose... extend your legs, flatten your feet (if possible)... round forward.
- Lie flat on the floor on your back with the hands by your side and your knees bent. Your feet should be placed around shoulder width. This will be your starting position.
- Pushing mainly with your heels, lift your hips off the floor while keeping your back straight. Breathe out as you perform this part of the motion and hold at the top for a second.
- Slowly go back to the starting position as you breathe in.
To perform...
- Get into a prone position on the floor, supporting your weight on your toes and your forearms. Your arms are bent and directly below the shoulder.
- Keep your body straight at all times, and hold this position as long as possible. To increase difficulty, an arm or leg can be raised.
To perform...
To perform...
- Lie on your side and support your body between your forearm and knee to your feet.
- Hold position for two to four seconds.
- Repeat on the other side. Build up to at least 60 seconds on each side of your body!
- Lie flat on the floor (or exercise mat) on your back with your arms extended straight back behind your head and your legs extended also. This will be your starting position.
- As you exhale, bend at the waist while simultaneously raising your legs and arms to meet in a jackknife position. Tip: The legs should be extended and lifted at approximately a 35-45 degree angle from the floor and the arms should be extended and parallel to your legs. The upper torso should be off the floor.
- While inhaling, lower your arms and legs back to the starting position.
- Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
To perform...
- Lie flat on the floor (or exercise mat) on your back with your arms extended straight back behind your head and your legs extended also. This will be your starting position.
- As you exhale, bend at the waist while simultaneously raising your legs and arms to meet in a jackknife position. Tip: The legs should be extended and lifted at approximately a 35-45 degree angle from the floor and the arms should be extended and parallel to your legs. The upper torso should be off the floor.
- While inhaling, lower your arms and legs back to the starting position.
- Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
To perform...
To perform...
- Lie on your side and support your body between your forearm and knee to your feet.
- Hold position for two to four seconds.
- Repeat on the other side. Build up to at least 60 seconds on each side of your body!
Home Workouts
To perform...
- Feet shoulder width... weight leaning forward on finger tips in between feet... toes pointing out 45 degrees.
- Inhale through your nose... look up...arch back...
- Exhale through your nose... extend your legs, flatten your feet (if possible)... round forward.
To perform...
- Feet shoulder width... weight leaning forward on finger tips in between feet... toes pointing out 45 degrees.
- Inhale through your nose... look up...arch back...
- Exhale through your nose... extend your legs, flatten your feet (if possible)... round forward.
To perform...
- Feet shoulder width... weight leaning forward on finger tips in between feet... toes pointing out 45 degrees.
- Inhale through your nose... look up...arch back...
- Exhale through your nose... extend your legs, flatten your feet (if possible)... round forward.
2018 Victor Oddo. All Rights Reserved