July 29


August Energy Reading: (Abundance & Finding Your TRUE Path)

August is a REALLY great month for lightworkers…

Folks on this planet that have done some inner work…

and have developed enough clarity to see what is true and pure (for them)… vs what is born of ego… will THRIVE!

There will be a lot of “shifting around” this month…

But for people like you, it will be in a very positive, expansive, and EXCITING way 🙂

More specifically… here are 5 themes you can expect to see play out in your life this month…

1.) CLARITY… about what really matters

August is a great month to get crystal clear… about the things in your life that matter most… that resonate most with your heart and soul.

Sometimes in life, we get to a point where we feel overwhelmed… too much going on… too much on our plate.

This is often because some of those things on our plate are not really ours… not extensions of our true heart’s passions.

August will bring in waves of clarity to help you see, very obviously, what really lights you up, vs what no longer belongs.

August will shine a bright spot light on your most authentic path forward.

Not only will you have the opportunity to streamline, organize, and simplify your life, but also live a life with a high level of joy, abundance, and freedom.

When you are in alignment with your TRUE path… everything comes more easily… life flows…

There is harmony, grace, and peace.

2.) Stepping Up Your Spiritual Game

Your process of rearranging your life, so that it’s a better reflection of your authenticity… may naturally lead you to focus a bit more on your spiritual growth.

You will see the parallel between your level of consciousness and your ability to discern what is true for you.

Right now, there are a lot of people falling back into their ego.

You may see this in people you know, out there on the world stage… and even within yourself… (a little).

However, we are so protected… and guided in this process…

As an intuitive, I suspect you’ll naturally find yourself “re-enthused” with meditation, yoga, or some type of spiritual practice that drops you out of your head… and back into your heart… back into a state of presence… where everything is clear.

This will help you navigate the powerful energy of August very smoothly even though many others will feel shaken up by this same energy.

Many will find that the ramifications for acting out of ego will be more severe, and quicker to manifest.

Simultaneously, YOU will be rewarded… plenty and quickly, for acting upon your heart’s true passions, which will be more clear than ever this month.

3.) Finding “Life Balance” (& more ABUNDANCE)

This same process will also lead to a generalized “life balance.”

When you streamline your life… so that it lines up with your authenticity… a lot of really nice things result 🙂

You gain TIME… time for fun, time for laughter, time for rest, time to stop and smell the roses…

You gain ABUNDANCE… abundance to support your “preferred lifestyle.”

Many of you want more than you have… and you feel guilty about it.

Preferring abundance is not a bad thing!

It’s not wrong.

Abundance IS your natural state.

& it starts to come naturally, like it or not lol, when you start walking your authentic path.

For you, it may be an abundance of time to spend with your friends and family.

For some, it may be a new car they’ve always wanted… a new home.

For others, it’s more energy, improved health.

For a lot of you, it’s all of the above!

Let yourself want…

Be yourself…

And you shall have what you want and more!

4.) Awakening Together

Even though, I have painted a pretty inviting picture of August… you may experience some challenges… some periods of doubt… some confusion.

Obviously, what’s new right?

Transformation… at this pace, is rarely smooth sailing the whole time.

However, the key here with point #4 is that you’re always supported.

Yes, sometimes by your celestial team, intuition, etc. but also by other people.

God will always put the right people in your life, at the right time, to help reflect things to you, or say things that click, and help you stay on course with your absolute highest path.

I love the Netflix show Cobra Kai… and in one of the episodes, the late Mr. Miyagi wrote a letter to Danielsan.

“In life, we’ll always lose our way, but it is people… not signs… that always guide us back to the right path”

5.) Taking the High Road (& The Great Rewards That Follow)

More than ever…

Now is the time to really let your heart guide your way.

In business…

In relationships…

In the things you tend to focus on…

In everything.

So much of our lives have been grossly distorted due to the mind’s over dominance in our choices and patterns.

Happiness & love… are what we have been seeking.

That is all.

And luckily, both of those are already within us… within our heart… in this very moment.

What makes your heart sing?

That is the question to ask yourself this August.

What ever it is…

Or whatever those things are…

Go all in!

Pour your energy… focus…. and passion into whatever “feels right & light & expansive” in your heart…

and if you can do that…

The month of August will be a real game changer for you.



Victor Oddo


august 2021, august astrology, august energy reading, august energy update, energy reading, energy update, victor oddo

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