How To Discover Your Life Purpose

  • Watch the video
  • Create Your "Grand Vision"
  • Make A Plan
  • Take Action On Step 1
  • Tune In For Weekly Video Lessons via Monthly Q&A

This month is all about finding your purpose. 

You DO have one... even if you feel frustrated right now, having not yet discovered it.

As you awaken to your true identity more & more... a longing begins to emerge.

A part of you is longing to find "your place".... in the whole. (ie. life purpose)

When you do.... and this month I am going to help you... your life will change dramatically.

Simply watch the video above and tune in for the weekly lessons... via the q&a sessions and we will tackle this mission together! 
Lastly, if you're interested, I listed one of my favorite books down below... something I read during the period of time I was seeking out my purpose

Book Of The Month


I read  and listened to this book, over and over at the exact time I was earnestly seeking my life purpose.

Robert Greene uses many examples of contemporary masters such as Einstein, Darwin, and Di Vinci as a way of demonstrating what the path to one's purpose truly looks like.

All of these individuals experienced the same doubt, confusion, and set back that we encounter on our own pursuit.

This is highly comforting, motivating, and inspiring to see other masters encounter the same obstacles that we do... It helped me "feel" in my bones.... if they can do it... so can I!  

This books is a perfect companion to have by your side as you strive to find your own unique path in the world. I can't say enough about it :)

Click Here To Get The Book

Weekly Training Sessions:

Week #1. (Setting Your Intentions Using Mind Mapping)

Week #2. (Intuitive Planning For Accelerated Manifestation)