Week 2 | Diving Into Your Shadow
Welcome To Week 2!
"Everyone carries a shadow...
and the less it is embodied in the individual's conscious life,
the blacker and denser it is."
~ Carl Yung
7 Step Shadow Work Summary
Close your eyes… take a deep breath… tune into your heart space…
Question… “What’s the most relevant block, pattern, behavior, etc that life is showing you? (Use intuition)
- Label it…
- Origin… “intuitive interpretation of where it stemmed” (channel everything that comes up related)
- How is this pattern serving you?
- What are the consequences? - & what will your life be like 10 years from now if you DON'T let this go?
- Does this pattern make sense to continue?
- Why are you still doing it?
- What will life be like without it? (Get Excited! & Detailed!)
Sometimes answers don’t come clearly… (doing this work gets the ball rolling though… sometimes it’s easier if LIFE shows you…
- Complete Your 7 Step Shadow Work
- Share in the mid-week zoom session... (OR... in the community)
- 30 Minutes Of Earthing + Optional Additional Shadow Work Journaling
“Theatre Of Your Mind"
This will help you get CLEAR about whatever particular issue life is trying to show you... This will help you identify what you're working with... why it's there... what it's teaching you... and how to let it go.
“Shamanic Drumming Track"
This is a drum track to use in conjunction with the breath-work technique Joshua Wilsom taught in this week's session. This can be used anytime you feel called and works great for emotional and energetic release.
These techniques are very powerful and are designed to unlock sometimes intense feelings, so it's not recommended for anyone that has the following...
- cardiovascular disease
- angina
- heart attack
- high blood pressure
- glaucoma
- retinal detachment
- osteoporosis
- recent injury or surgery
- any condition for which you take regular medications
- history of panic attacks, psychosis, or disturbances
- severe mental illness
- seizure disorders
- family history of aneurisms
- pregnant women or breastfeeding women
If you have any of those conditions above... can practice this type of breathwork, but do so with caution... and it's best if you do it in a relaxed fashion. Meaning, don't go crazy with it lol... just use common sense and personal discernment... listen to your body.