September 6

Diet & Spirituality


In this episode, Pattie and I discuss our perspective and journey with diet… and spiritual awakening… We also discuss how we’ve overcome food addition, something we both had to start. 


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  1. Great to hear both your views and ideas on diet -spirituality. Especially as it’s sometimes quite a tricky area for some people! It ‘s nice to just listen & work out what might be good for me to try right now, or as a long term goal. Keep up the good work you two! Peace, love & light to you.

  2. Omg this podcast was everything! I have naturally gained the knowledge where when it comes to food, I listen to what my body wants. When I listen to my body on what it wants I feel absolutely amazing. Hearing both of your stories seriously gave me so much joy and confirmation on my personal journey. Pattie I love trail mix too I will go to town on those 🤣. Nonetheless thank you Victor Oddo as well for all of your amazing videos and knowledge you and Pattie are badass!!! I love you both so much!

  3. Thoroughly enjoyed that podcast and to hear balanced views about diet. Thank you both so much. 😀

  4. Total synchronicity. I saw the title of this podcast and before I hit play I was thinking I find I have to listen to my body. I mainly it chicken turkey and fish, something about beef has been a huge turnoff the past few years. I also find for myself any processed carbs are absolutely toxic to me and literally make me sick, dried fruit too. I have been trying to be fully committed to a paleo to keto style of diet as this seems to work best for myself. Thank you for the confirmation and stories of your journey along the way! It’s a joy to hear how you and Patty synch so well together.

  5. Thanks so much for sharing this. I know there are many that believe you need to eat a vegan diet to be spiritual, but there are cultures in the world where the shamans and other spiritual leaders do consume meat. I’ve personally been through a few major diet changes myself. I spent several years doing a pescatarian diet where even the seafood I ate very sparingly, so my diet was mostly vegetarian (though I did eat dairy and eggs). I did this partly to try to improve my health, but also because on a spiritual level, I wanted to greatly reduce my intake of food from sources that had the greatest capacity to experience suffering.

    However, that diet didn’t seem to help my health or my spirituality much. It was really difficult for me to go back to eating red meat and poultry. I had to ease myself into it and I would say a gratitude prayer as a way to try to dispel any guilt I felt from eating that type of food. Now I say gratitude prayers regardless of whether I’m eating meat or not to help raise the vibration of all of my food and I started doing that with my water as well. I think I do feel physically and emotionally better since I started eating meat again, but there may come a time when I feel the need to abstain from it again.

    Another thing I find is that regardless of whether I’m eating meat or not, my diet does tend to change seasonally. During the summer, I find myself craving a lot of salad and fresh fruit, but as soon as the weather starts to cool down again, it feels like I can’t stomach those foods so much anymore. There’s a big part of me that does wish I could sustain eating all of that fresh produce year round, but it may not be what my body needs.

  6. Carnivore here. And yes I mean only animal products. I get a LOT of flack from the “spiritual” community. Particularly “militant” vegans. I have no issues with these guys yet they feel the need to tell me I’m not spiritual. Thank you for bringing diet into the spotlight and showing that everyone is different!

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