Master The "Earth Skills" So You Can Ground Your Light & Wisdom Into The Physical For The Benefit Of Yourself & Others
- 10 minute
Welcome to the Elevate Online Mentorship Program! We just call it EOM for short :) so always be on the lookout for emails with [EOM] in the subject line. I'm thrilled that you've decided to take your life & awakening to the next level!
Check here for the Live Q&A schedule. We hold sessions 2X every month! This is a place where you can receive guidance and get your questions answered.
Simply click on this page and submit a question for the next live cast... To be sure your question is answered, please have your question in at least 48 hours prior to the live Q&A.
Month #1
Week 1 - Long Term (Big Picture) Goal Setting
- 11 minutes
Learn how to use the brilliant technique "mind mapping" for setting BIG long term goals
- 10 minutes
This session will teach you the second step to accomplishing your dreams, regardless of their size.
Week 3 - #1 Thing (& Thomas Edison Technique)
- 10 minutes
After reading dozens of productivity books... these 2 techniques are what I currently use to maximize my productivity.
Week 4 - Discover Your "Magic Time"
- 10 minutes
Discover your "magic time" and TRIPLE your productivity.
Month #2
- 45 minutes
Do you have money blocks? If you're honest you'll say.. heck yes! We all do...
But... you can start releasing them quickly, something I learned is a an absolute must.
This boot camp course will help you identify... and release abundance and money blocks so that you can move towards your dreams swiftly and unobstructed.

Victor Oddo
Victor is a guide, coach, and mentor for people going through a spiritual awakening. He has helped thousands of awakening souls accelerate their process so that they can go off into the world and shine their light! He is most concerned with raising the collective frequency of the planet and doing his part to help heal and uplift humanity.

2018 Victor Oddo. All Rights Reserved