awaken to your FULL


You're Invited to Sedona, AZ

March 2nd - 5th, 2019

With Victor Oddo & Pattie Papa

(& special guests)


MARCH 2nd - 5th, 2019

is sedona calling you?


the elevate sedona retreat experience

Raise Your Frequency

The entire city of Sedona... especially the "Vortex Sites" - where we will go each day have a PROFOUND healing effect due to the high frequencies.

This is great for letting go of old emotions, patterns, addictions, and other lower vibrational energies.

Basically, Sedona is an extremely high vibrational place and can provide a noticeable "lightening" effect on your vibration which results in more peace, joy, and balance.   

Discover Your Purpose
The energy of Sedona is perfect for helping you become aware of, and align with your life purpose.

Each time I visit I am able to easily detach from all of the unessential concerns of every day life and feel reminded of the true reason for my soul being here at this time.  

The Red Rocks will help you gain clarity about who you are, why you're here, and what your next steps should be.  

More so, the energy also helps AMPLIFY your intentions so as you gain clarity about your purpose, you will feel a lot of momentum and power at your back. 

Energy Healing

The powerful energy of Sedona... especially near the vortex sites will help you release many emotional and energetic blockages. 

The awakening process in itself is already doing this nicely, but Sedona is like a huge boost to that process.


what's included

  • 3 Night Stay In Sedona (lodging included)
  • Group Hikes @ Vortex Sites
  • Bullseye
    Morning Guided Visualization, Meditation, & Breathwork (with Victor)
  • Bullseye
    A Guided Experience To Help You...
  • - Experience Energy Healing
  • - Get CLEAR on your life purpose & next step in your life
  • Bullseye
    - Feel motivated and Confident to pursue your dreams
  • Bullseye
    Opportunity To Work With AWESOME Psychic, Jennifer (optional and costs extra)
  • Bullseye
    Special Guest Bridget Nielsen!
  • Bullseye
    Opportunity for personalized advice and coaching from Victor & Pattie
  • Bullseye
    Light breakfast and lunch included - (healthy, high vibration foods)



Day 1 (Saturday)
  • Meet @ Hike (TBD) + Welcome Circle & Intention Setting
  • Group Dinner @ Healthy Restaurant 
  • Check into house & settle in
  • Bon Fire - (letting go ceremony)
Day 2 (Sunday)
  • Morning Kundalini Yoga, Breathwork, & Group Visualization
  • Group Hike TBD
  • Lunch
  • Opportunity To Work With Jennifer (Psychic)
  • Bullseye
    Coaching & Getting Personalized Guidance From Pattie & Victor 
  • Bullseye
    Dinner (Free Time)
  • Bullseye
    Bon Fire - (relaxing)
Day 3 (Monday)
  • Morning Kundalini Yoga, Breathwork, & Group Visualization
  • Group Hike @ Vortex Site
  • Special Guest Workshop (Bridget Nielsen)
  • Dinner & Free Time
  • Bullseye
    Bon Fire & Relaxation
Day 4 (Tuesday)
  • Checkout @ 10:00am
  • Group Hike TBD
  • Last Group Meal 

meet our crew!

victor oddo

YouTuber, Awakening Coach, Co-host

Hey my friends! You know me :)
I am a passionate YouTuber, Coach, & fellow wanderer.

I am here for the same purpose as all of you.. to do my part in helping transform others so that together we can bring about a new dawn.

I am super excited to be co-hosting this amazing retreat. I am even more excited to get a chance to meet & spend quality time with you!

Bridget nielson

YouTuber, Blogger, & Spiritual Guide

I had the privilege of meeting Bridget a while back in Sedona. I was already well aware of her online contribution (which is plentiful & inspiring to say the least)...

She has a very beautiful, grounded, and POWERFUL energy and is as "tapped in" as anyone I've ever met.

More so, I know for a fact she will vibe extremely well with my audience.

She has a ton of awesome wisdom to offer... and in a different way and in different areas than I...


She has agreed to stop by and share some of that wisdom with you guys!

I also have to credit her for helping advise me with my retreat... something she is very experienced with.

For more on Bridget...

- YouTube Channel (over 50K subs)

- Website 

- Instagram

- Facebook   

Pattie papa

From The Awakened Life Podcast & Co-host

Many of you know Pattie, my wife, from our podcast where we share wisdom from out 10 years experience with the spiritual awakening process.

Pattie will be a co-host and guide with me during the retreat.

She offers a very complimentary, grounded, and feminine energy to the group.

She has been MY coach this entire time! In fact, there are many times that she counsels both myself, and Aaron Doughty!

She doesn't have a large online presence, but she is revving at the same frequency and possesses the same healing potential as myself. 


psychic advisor (amazing!)

About a year ago... my friend Aaron Doughty INSISTED I see Jennifer.

I don't see psychics very much these days. So, reluctantly I did because I value Aaron's opinion...

I was BLOWN away!


She is super confident... accurate... and motivating. She will tell you exactly what you need to hear even if you don't want to hear it!


I have seen her many times since and send everyone I know to her. Last time I met with her, she agreed to come to the retreat and offer her service to anyone that is interested. 


the power of the sedona vortex energy

Raise Your Frequency & Elevates Your Level Of Consciousness  

Clears Away Emotional & Energetic Blockages

Brings CLARITY to what matters... (your soul's purpose)

Are breathtakingly beautiful & extremely FUN to hike!


the power of the mastermind
& Connecting with like minded individuals

Napoleon Hill describes in his book, Think & Grow Rich the incredible power of the mastermind...

“The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony…no two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind”

Group Intention AMPLIFIES intention & manifestation

Connection with like minded individuals that understand & support you is priceless

You will KNOW you're not alone...  strange... or flawed.. You will see clearly that you are SPECIAL & POWERFUL

It's incredibly fun, relaxing, and refreshing to "hang out" with people of a  like vibration & mindset


where you will be staying!


food, lodging, & pricing info:


We will ​serve healthy, organic, high vibration foods for breakfast and lunch.. 

We will have 2 group dinners (everyone will pay for themselves) at a healthy, organic, vegan friendly restaurant.

There will be 2 free nights where you may go off and explore some of the awesome Sedona cuisine.
We will be staying together in a nice 4,600 square foot house. There will be a few options here...
We have 3 spaces to stay in your own room.

6 spaces available for sharing a room that contain a twin bed and 2 bunk beds.

& for the rest we have comfortable fold out memory foam single beds with blanket & pillow provided.

You are also welcome to participate in the retreat, but get your own lodging if you prefer. 

  • 3 Night Stay In Sedona (lodging included)
  • Group Hikes @ Vortex Sites
  • Bullseye
    Morning Guided Visualization, Meditation, & Breathwork (with Victor)
  • Bullseye
    A Guided Experience To Help You...
  • - Experience Energy Healing
  • - Get CLEAR on your life purpose & next step in your life
  • Bullseye
    - Feel motivated and Confident to pursue your dreams
  • Bullseye
    Opportunity To Work With AWESOME Psychic, Jennifer (optional and costs extra)
  • Bullseye
    Special Guest Bridget Nielsen!
  • Bullseye
    Opportunity for personalized advice and coaching from Victor & Pattie
  • Bullseye
    Light breakfast and lunch included - (healthy, high vibration foods)

(Only 14 Spots Available)

***Spaces are expected to fill up very quickly***

Your Own Room - $1,697 - (3 available)

Sharing A Room (with 2 others) - $1497 -

(6 available)

Memory Foam Fold Out Mattress - $1,297 (5 available)

elevate sedona 

Pattie and I are STOKED to have the opportunity to meet and help you reach your full potential.

Sedona is absolutely incredible on many levels (aside from the beauty).

Let's do this!

contact us

Sedona, AZ

Phone: (if accepted we'll call you :)