Month ONE | Book Of The Month
"Think And Grow Rich" ~ Napoleon Hill
This book came to me at the perfect time in my life.
It taught me... inspired me... and to this day, many of the golden principals have stuck with me... assisting me greatly in all areas of my life.
This is one of the best books on tapping into the human potential and manifesting it out there in the world.
This is not just about money... it's about the principals of our human make up... reality experience... and relationship with the manifestation process.
This is like a manual for manifestation! If you haven't read this... you must! You won't regret it I promise.
If you have, then I think you would benefit from reading it again, for it aligns beautifully with this month's program.
However, if you want to read another work by Napoleon Hill, then check out "Outwitting The Devil" - this too is extremely valuable and fitting for this month.