Month ONE | Week 1
Long Term (BIG Picture) Goal Setting
I once head a wise woman say...
"We don't have an attention deficit disorder... we have an intention deficit disorder."
This is very true but the good news is, that once you start setting BIG... CLEAR... SPECIFIC goals... and give your, what Maxwell Maltz calls a "servo mechanism" your subconscious mind... something to do... watch out!
You will be amazed at how your life will start to align itself with the goals you set. However, due to this extreme power you possess... you don't want an airy fairy goals...
You want to systematically dig deep within yourself and create well thought out, specific intentions to put out there in the universe.
This week you will learn how to use the technique "mind mapping" and consolidation to get your servo mechanism manifesting big things for you!
Remember... (final thing)
Dream BIG!
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
~ Napoleon Hill