Month TWO | Week 1
The Perfect Morning Formula
It takes humility to admit to ourselves that we are frequently driven by ego and fear.
It's a "yucky" thought... but we are.
In my experience, the more "awoken" I become the more I recognize the presence of this heavy looming influence.
The good news is... those that can admit this can then be proactive in curbing and minimizing the influence of fear in our lives, in our decisions, and in our pursuits.
Forward progress is great... but forward action from a place of spiritual alignment is POWERFUL.
I don't know about you but I've created many things from a place of misalignment, only to discard them in the end, when I looked them back over from a place of clarity.
So... with all of that said... having a solid morning routine that ensures you start each and every day from a place of alignment, rather than nerves and fear is KEY for your success.
This video will share... not a specific routine you must do, because of course, we are all different... rather a formula that you can modify so that you can start each and every day from a place of inner harmony and your full potential.