Month TWO | Week 4
How To Overcome The Fear Of Rejection & Stop Caring About What People Think
I was once in over 50K of credit card debt.
At the time I had zero income, was bleeding money, and was absolutely clueless about how I was going to make it... let alone support my huge family!
The point being...
I dove DEEP into that fear of poverty.
What I discovered while immersed in the intensely in that energy is that fear of death, fear of starving, fear of being homeless... none of those were the true source.
It was the fear of failure...
What would others think if I lost my family's home?
What would that say about me?
It would imply that I'm a failure...
We ALL have this and it weighs on us like a wet blanket in every forward step we take, especially when it involves expressing ourselves creatively.
This video is going to help you with this stifling fear so that you can move freely about in your life and joyfully pursue your big dreams.