Month THREE | Week 2
"Deep Work" - (& Why Multi Tasking Is A Myth)
A couple years ago I read a book that changed my life and caused my productivity & happiness to go through the roof.
The book was titled, Deep Work | "Rules For Focused Success In A Distracted World"
by Cal Newport.
The entire premise... that's fully backed by science is that multi tasking... something most of us are taught to do in school... is actually a horrible way to go about things.
It not only makes us less productive, but more scattered and stressed.
The reason being is that our brain holds onto stimuli and therefor creates, "echos."
For example, after reading this section.. if you were to immediately turn your computer off and go have a conversation with a friend... this information will still be partially present in your mind. It would make it so you're not able to give 100% of your attention and focus to the person you're speaking with.
So, imagine how present... or our lack of presence, when we wake up, check emails, watch the news, and & fly from one activity to the next... all day every day?
Our minds get SUPER "backed up" causing us to become stressed and achieve little... even though were racing around like busy beavers.
The solution is, "Deep Work."
Watch the video and learn how to incorporate deep work into your life and you will get more done and stay at peace.
Your life, career, and relationships will all improve greatly :)