Month THREE | Week 3
The Way Of The "Earth Master"
(5 Essential Habits For Living Your Best Life)
I'm not sure if I already used this quote earlier in the course...
Either way, I will again! - For it is so applicable...
""We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, it's a habit."
Even in most spiritual philosophies we are taught that in order to change our outer life... we must first change ourselves.
This is 100% true.
The totality of, "ourselves" in that context, is a merely a list of habits... (some helpful... and some not so much).
The subconscious mind runs the show and most of our lives are lived on autopilot at the whim of whatever programming we've picked up throughout life.
Most of us know that most of the programming isn't ideal and certainly isn't conducive for us living our best lives.
So if we are to make BIG changes... it takes the creation and implementation of little habits.
Fortunately, we live in the information age and can easily research the common habits of successful people. There are some undeniable and obvious patterns that emerge.
Some of these habits you may expect, but some may surprise you...
This video shares 5 essential habits for becoming your best self.
Some of this lesson is based on a book that might interest you...
High Performance Habits - "How Extraordinary People Become That Way"
~ Brendon Burchard