Month THREE | Week 4
A 3 Step Process For
Changing A Negative Belief
You can't out run the subconscious mind... no matter how fast you go.
Have you ever heard of the phrase... "The Glass Ceiling?"
It's like a dog on a leash... It can run in any direction but no matter what, when that rope is fully extended, the dog will not move forward.
The rope.. or glass ceiling if you will... is the limitation set by your limiting beliefs.
Even with a pitbull determination... your subconscious, negative beliefs will weigh you down each and every time.
So, what I'm saying is that in order to bust through the glass ceiling and extend BEYOND your current potential, you must do 3 things...
1. Identify the limiting Belief
2. Discover where you picked it up (& why you still have it) - "Shed Light On It"
3. Successfully remove... and replace it
I am going to share in this video exactly how I go personally have gone about doing this with great success so that no belief has anything but a temporary hold on you.