Month THREE | Week 1
The 5% Rule - (& Your "Zone Of Genius")
I like to think we can all learn anything we want...
However, we do seem to be born with innate talents, qualities, and traits.
We also seem to really fall short in certain areas.
For example... I'm completely tone deff and also couldn't fix your kitchen sink if my life depended on it.
Sure, I could take singing classes and watch a dozen YouTube videos that walk me through fixing your sink... but I'll only get somewhat decent at both of those things because frankly, I naturally suck at them! lol
However, put a pen in my hand... or ask me to motivate a group of people about awakening struggles and I will nail it out of the park.
The whole premise that I am getting at is that it's wise to put most of your eggs in the basket of your talents... for they will yield the highest result in your life.
It's also wise to find a way to minimize the time you spend doing things you aren't good at... leave those activities for other people.
This is a VERY important business premise... but I see it carry over into every day life as well.
This section will help you incorporate this 5% rule into your life AND help YOU discover your zone of genius...