Month FOUR | Book Of The Month

"Mastery" ~ Robert Greene

I remember when I was deep in my biggest life transition...
The transition out of my old careers and into what I do now...
I read and listened to this book constantly.

This book is like a road map for anyone who's walking the path of their soul's purpose. Or more specifically... anyone who's in that transition.... (out of their old life, career, and identity... and moving into the new one).

If you're in this program than you are in that same transition and reading this book will not only give you tons of amazing insight and assistance, but most importantly... help you realize that the path you're on is actually a well treaded, archetypal path that many of the Earth Masters have walked. 

You can draw information and wisdom from those that have come before you and this book presents this crucial information in a wonderful and helpful way. This is perhaps my favorite book of all time. 

Click Here To Get The Book