Month FOUR | Week 3
How To Deal With "Resistance"
Each day you rise from your bed and decide to move towards the better life you're trying to create you will face, at some level... what Steven Pressfield calls "The Resistance."
This too is normal, to be expected, and a great sign... but can also be a challenge.
The resistance can manifest in an infinite number of ways and so many people lose these crucial battles. It's like climbing Mount Everest... I haven't done this, but I'd imagine, the hike towards the base of the mountain being reasonable... Perhaps even those first thousand feet of actual climbing aren't that bad. However the higher you get.. .the close to the top you reach... the thinner the air, the steeper the climbs... and the riskier it is.
Manifesting your dream life is similar. This is not a bad thing but many people have the notion that things get easier the higher they get, but that's not the case. The resistance gets thicker... but that's okay! This video is all about that... and all about how you can successfully deal with this residence so that you can see this through and live your best life.