Monthly Awakening Lessons:

How To Discover Your Life Purpose 

May (2018)

This month I am going to help you find your life purpose.
Even if you've given up on this hyped up, elusive notion.

You have one.

Part of you knows this deep down.

You also probably sense that finding it will change your life in a profound way.

So... what are you waiting for?

Come on in! 

How To Ground Your Energy  

April (2018)

Staying grounded during & after your awakening is crucial.

So many issues can be easily solved with a little grounding.

When we are grounded... we feel balanced, communicate very well, are in good health, have plenty of energy, and many of the common awakening symptoms go away.

Fortunately, grounding yourself is pretty easy!

How To Program NEW, Empowering Beliefs Into Your Subconscious Mind 

March (2018)

Did you know that 95% of your decisions are dictated by your subconscious mind?

Willpower, strength, hard work, and determination are great... but they can only go so far.

We can not become what we don't align with subconsciously. 

Fortunately, there are ways to go in and rewire NEW beliefs into your subconscious mind. This lesson will help you do just that :)

How To Communicate With Your Higher Self

February (2018)

Pretty much everyone I speak with... (you guys :) are ALREADY very intuitive, psychic, and tapped in.

However, with that said...

One can GREATLY improve upon this connection... this relationship.

This section will give you a very powerful technique that will help you learn to connect with and communicate with your higher self... on command. 

How To Establish A Daily Meditation Practice 

January (2018)

You will find that every area of your life can be dramatically improved  with a simple daily meditation habit.

I started meditating daily, back in 2016 and feel so much happier, less stressed, more balanced, and even more psychic as a result!

If you don't currently meditate every morning, come on in and I can help you.

I share a very easy framework that will help you establish this life changing practice.