How To Ground Your Energy To feel More Energized, Balanced, & Happy!

  • Watch the video.
  • Apply the suggestions when you feel ungrounded
  • If you're feeling REALLY ungrounded, perform the technique below

Scooping - My Favorite Grounding Technique 

  • Watch the video.
  • Perform this technique anytime you want to feel more grounded
  • You may do this every day. It's a great "dynamic meditation" exercise as well :)

Book Of The Month

"The End Of Your World"

This is one of the best books I've ever read about the true nature of the spiritual awakening process.

Just as described by the author... this book is, "uncensored straight talk on the nature of enlightenment."

I found it to be incredibly comforting and informative, ultimately helping me truly believe that my awakening related complications were in fact a sign of something  amazing!

Click Here To Get The Book