How To Awaken Your Powerful Kundalini Energy In Under 30 Days...

Discover How To Awaken This Powerful Force That Will Shed LIGHT

On All Of The (Distortions, Conditioning, Self Limiting Beliefs, & Heavy Emotions)

 That Obscure Your Greatness!

Flash Sale - Today Only $97

***once the timer ends the price will increase to $197***

The Benefit Of Awakening Your Kundalini (At This Time In History)

We are, as a planet, moving into a NEW part of space where there are highly dynamic and provocative energies present. These new, (higher dimensional energies) are changing the underlying physics of everything.  They are giving us the potential to shift ourselves into a more loving existence. This shifting is essentially a spiritual awakening transition and KUNDALINI is akin to inviting a loving guidance system that will help with this shift. It is an invaluable asset to the awakening process. 

Once I awakened my own kundalini over 10 years ago, my life started to shift, change, and transform very quickly, and in very positive ways. 

I started to quickly dissolve old karma, out dated conditioning, self destructive habits, and many other heavy emotions. The kundalini doesn't do it for you however... but it does shed light on all of these distortions. In illuminating the unconscious we become conscious! We become present! We become fully realized human beings...

How It Works:

This is a 4 Step Process... that takes all the guesswork out and shows you EXACTLY how to awaken your POWERFUL Kundalini Energy in only 30 days or less

  • Step 1 - Intent- (How to use your natural visualization skills to program your subconscious mind to "manifest" an awakening)
  • Step 2 - Purification - (A step by step Detox plan to help you remove toxins and impurities so that the kundalini can flow easily)
  • Step 3 - Kundalini Awakening Meditation - (A POWERFUL meditation specifically designed to trigger your dormant kundalini energy)
  • Step 4 - Kundalini Yoga - (A kundalini awakening specific yoga sequence designed to stimulate an awakening)

Here's Everything You Get When You Join:

  • 4 - Follow Along Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Videos
  • Program Guide Book - (Step By Step Instructions)
  • Complete Diet Plan - (Exactly How To Eat To Promote A Smooth Awakening & Also Improved Health, Wellness, & Energy)
  • Lifetime Access To The Course



WOW!! I just followed along with the kundalini videos (didn't even do  the FULL version) and my body was just FULL of energy, I felt so  ALIVE, almost like I was vibrating internally until way after 3:30 AM  at least that was the last time I looked at the clock.  OK so this is very powerful and I will NEVER do it again late at night right before I go to sleep. Whoa.... Now back at it again this morning so I can have the energy to go to work.  LOL

 Have a great day.


Thank you (kiitos)! With your kundalini meditation I started feeling my kundalini energy rising. It's so amazing to feel the calmness and relaxation after kundalini meditation. Very important for me to do it daily, in the mornings. If you only knew how much you help and encourage people around the world Victor


That one mantra meditation you have is POWERFUL! I felt EXACTLY what you described... tingling and energy rising up my back and it felt really good!

Loving your program man.


Today Only $97

***once the timer ends the price will increase to $197***


Seeing the way you do the meditation helped me a lot. Doing the kundalini exercises and breath of fire is an amazing tool wowww

Loving your kundalini program, im not in a hurry and love that I can do it at my own pace.


Trying your Kundalini method to great effect so far. Now it may just be the accumulation of practice, but let me get to the point. Upon the change, I have been riding a f***' spinal jet engine of energy in the mornings. It absolutely does what it wants to do, and I can see how it will screw you up if you resist it, yet it is fully engroovied.


Hope you are doing well!  My name is Crystal and I am a massage  therapist in Interlochen, Michigan (15 minutes South of Traverse City).  I have been a subscriber for a few months now and have  watched all of your YouTube videos and read your blogs.  I am  currently taking your 3rd eye course and I am also on my second day  of your Kundalini Awakening Course (which I am incredibly excited  about!).  I just wanted to take a moment to say "thank you" with all of my heart for being who you are and doing all that you do to help others.  You have been a very powerful and positive influence in my  life during this ascension process.  You truly have helped me so much  with making sense of it all and moving forward more gracefully than I  had been on my own.  Thank you for being such a tremendous blessing  in my life!!! I appreciate you beyond words!!!!  I haven't fully opened my third eye yet, but I have had some glimpses  of the process starting to unfold.  I have had random surges of  energy at the base of my spine at times throughout the day when I am  feeling really relaxed.  I know that I will be successful at reaching  my goals with the help of your courses, techniques, meditations, affirmations, visualizations and yoga postures.  I have started taking the fermented skate liver oil and I have been eating the diet plan you recommend for years now, naturally taken down that route by  my bodies many food and environmental sensitivities.  I have been  combining both of your courses at the same time and I feel really  positive about achieving success with them thanks to all of your  wonderful guidance.   Thank you for checking in on me! That was  incredibly kind of you! I know you are very busy! Wishing you a joyful camping experience with your family!

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