Unlock the spiritual gifts you came to share with yourself and the world...
Welcome! (Click Here First | Very Important)
- 10 minute
Welcome to the Lightworker Activation Academy! Before you do anything, click into this section to gain a quick understanding of how the program works.
Check here for the Live Q&A schedule. We hold sessions 2X every month! This is a place where you can receive guidance and get your questions answered.
Can't make it live? - (pre-submit questions here)
Simply click on this page and submit a question for the next live cast... To be sure your question is answered, please have your question in at least 48 hours prior to the live Q&A.
Month 1 Course Material - (Click Here To Access)
Months 2 - 14 (Click Here To Access)
- 90 minutes
This 2 part work shop will help you release and cope with the 3 types of anxiety people on the spiritual awakening path typically experience.
How To Tap Into The Channeling State
- 60 minutes
This session will teach you how to tap into the flow state... or "the channeling state" - here you will be able to bring forth the talents, passion, and genius of your higher self into whatever preferred creative expression your soul resonates with.
How To Start & Sustain A Daily Spiritual Practice
- 43 minutes
Do you want to feel more present... psychic... and emotionally serene? Do you want to drastically heighten your intuition? Establishing a daily practice is the fastest way to accomplish this and the good thing is that it will work for everyone!
A Deeper Look @ ASCENSION (Our Shift Into The 5th Dimension)
- 43 minutes
This section will go much much DEEPER into the topic of our planetary ascension than I ever do in my content. This video right here will likely resonate with you very deeply and help you embody a clearer knowledge of who you are (as a soul) and precisely why you're here at this time.

Victor Oddo
Victor is a guide, coach, and mentor for people going through a spiritual awakening. He has helped hundreds of thousands of awakening souls accelerate their process so that they can go off into the world and shine their light! He is most concerned with raising the collective frequency of the planet by helping other light workers, like you, come into their true power and potential. Together we will create the shift!

2018 Victor Oddo. All Rights Reserved