WELCOME To Month 2!
Unlock the spiritual gifts you came to share with yourself and the world...
- 10 minutes
Click into here to see what the "Book Of The Month" is! Part of the curriculum is a reading list of specific books that will assist you on your awakening unfoldment.
Light Body Activation Of The Month!
- 10 minutes
These simple exercises are designed to help you activate your light body, which is a term I associate with your soul's essence... or spirit. They will help you further embody the qualities of your spirit... (power, confidence, grace, humility, compassion, etc)
Week 1 - How Decalcify Your Pineal Gland
- 10 minutes
This session will tell you exactly what to omit from your lifestyle/diet... and the right supplements to take in order to decalcify your pineal gland. When your pineal gland begins to function properly all of your dormant psychic gifts will start to blossom!
Week 2 - 11 Minute Meditation To Open Your 3rd Eye In 7 Days
- 10 minutes
This session will make opening your third eye very easy and quick. I have condensed my popular third eye course into ONE simple meditation that you are to perform for only 7 days.
Week 3 - Overcome The #1 Barrier To Psychic Success
- 10 minutes
Anyone that takes this course has the potential to be extremely psychic and tapped in. Often times, it is not our lack of ability or potential, rather it is the sneaky ways in which we block ourselves from these experiences. This week will reveal and help you overcome the most common block to intuitive mastery.
Week 4 - Guided Meditation For Meeting Your Spirt Animal (or animals)
- 16 minutes
This week you will get to meet your spirit animal (or animals). Spirt animals not only protect you, but help you channel their unique traits. For example, if you have a lion spirit animal, then you'll be able to tap into a lion's courage, strength, and patience.

Victor Oddo
Victor is a guide, coach, and mentor for people going through a spiritual awakening. He has helped hundreds of thousands of awakening souls accelerate their process so that they can go off into the world and shine their light! He is most concerned with raising the collective frequency of the planet by helping other light workers, like you, come into their true power and potential. Together we will create the shift!

2018 Victor Oddo. All Rights Reserved