May 15


May 2021… is a GREAT month to do this…

May is a GREAT month to do this…

For many years of my awakening I did a lot of waiting… longing… and striving. 

I needed to live that way honestly…

I had so many struggles back then and if I didn’t have a BRIGHT future to look forward to… I don’t know if I could have justified pressing on down this wild spiritual path!

Maybe you can relate to this?

For me… for a while there…  my life was all about “the breakdown.”

Friendships… other close relationships… careers… living situations… hobbies, interests, focuses, values, priorities…

One after the other just fell away like dead leaves off a tree.

Eventually however…  just as I intuitively anticipated…

Things started to look up!

Many of my wild, far fetched dreams started to come true!

Many dreams I didn’t even know I had also started to show up in my life.

Every single important part of my life transformed before my very eyes.

The contrast was unbelievable! 

The high, the exhilaration of witnessing the magic of a long held dream, FINALLY manifesting was something special.

What I didn’t expect however… was how fleeting those feelings were… I didn’t expect to quickly settle right back into a state of (waiting… longing… striving)

Why, I wondered?

I got everything I wished for and more. (Friends, financial freedom, purpose, fun, travel)

I didn’t “what” transpired in my life… it didn’t change how I felt inside.

NOW I realize the truth… And the truth is… happiness, what I had been seeking all along is a state of being. And the irony is, this state of being is something one can shift to in an instant! It’s not at all dependent upon anything external.

That’s why I now choose to live a very quiet, basic, minimalistic existence… At least I am heading that way. I am letting go of what is not essential… And as I do, I find that I am getting so much MORE out of life than I could have ever imagined.

For example, the family and I rarely watch television at night anymore… We literally just sit in the living room talking… playing music (well Pattie does lol) We laugh,  My young ones usually fall right a sleep after Pattie plays the singing bowl. My daughter and I draw. At first, nights like this were forced… We were bored, restless, agitated. NOW… as we let go of the attachment to stimulation… SO MUCH more has awakened in us!

We laugh harder We love more deeply We revel in each and every moment with more presence and gratitude and joy than ever before!

May, my friend is a GREAT month to do this by the way… The last New Moon we had really supports appreciating what’s right there in front of us. I can tell you from going from living in a 21 ft travel trailer with my entire family… to living how I stated above… It doesn’t matter what it is… What matters is how we look at it… What degree do we take the time to be present with it?

Fortunately, it doesn’t matter what’s going on with the crooked politicians, or what your crazy neighbor is doing, or what chaos is erupting around the world… We can all step back… hear the chirping of the birds, appreciate the sun coming through the window in the morning, and enjoy this short life we have been blessed with. Happiness is a state of being… freedom is a state of being… joy is a state of being that we can all cultivate from within.

This, for me, is a total work in progress though… I am not where I want to be with all this,  BUT… that’s okay 🙂  I’ll do my very best to appreciate the journey.

PS. Before I go, I have something exciting coming up I want to tell you about…

I only do this ONCE per year…

I call it the “21 Day Empowered Empath Challenge”

You can look at this like a “spiritual jump start.” & with Eclipse seasons quickly approaching, I think now is the pefect time to run it.

This is a 21 day accelerated (group) program created to help you… Deepen your intuition…  Let go of the blocks weighing you down and perpetuating old behaviors…  and clarify, take action on, and gain momentum on your life purpose…

Coming soon!

Enjoy your weekend, 




astrology, energy update, may, may 2021 energy, may energy update, victor oddo

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