September Full Moon - (& Your Big Obligation)
The Full Moon on September 24th is an opportunity to...
Go forward in your life and personal development, VERY quickly.
BUT... my advice is to... "not look back."
Here's why (& it has to do with a crab fisherman)
You may have heard this story, as I've shared it in some of my YouTube videos, but it's SPOT ON for this upcoming Full Moon... ​
Once, there was a nice old man casually walking the beach...
He stumbled upon what appeared to be a very skilled crab fisherman.
This fisherman would throw his net in the water and walk away with complete confidence...
Minutes later he'd pull that net into shore and there'd be 10 - 15 crabs!
The old man walking was observing... not so much the fisherman... but his bucket of crabs.
He noticed that one of the ambitious ones was attempting an escape!
Not only that, but this crab was almost all the way out of the bucket.
He felt compelled (as any nice person would) to warn the fisherman.
So he did...
The fisherman responded with a visibly non-schelant chuckle...
He said...
"That crab won't ever escape... just watch."
The fisherman knew that the crab's "friends" wouldn't allow for that.
It was true... (& this is extremely relatable to us)
Just before that rebel crab was about to escape and achieve freedom... her little crab friends would DRAG her back down.
It's difficult to admit sometimes... but highly common...
When you... I... or anyone strives forward and starts to improve... transform... and SHINE.
There are usually a few "crabs" in our life that try to pull us back down.
The sad reality is that the force of the crabs is a formidable one.
Studies have actually proven that you become the average of the 5 people you're around the most.
So what are we to do?
In my experience, there's only ONE solution.
Cut the crabs out of your life.
It's your natural right as an independent soul to be your best self, pursue happiness, greatness, and anything else your heart desires.
You DESERVE to shine.
Don't let the crabs drag you down, because they can and will, if you let them.
With that said...
I fully admit, it's not an easy situation.
I know a lot of the crabs that come to mind for the folks reading this will be their life long friends, neighbors, co-workers, and even family.
But here's the thing..
You're wired to shine.
The path of least resistance is to gravitate away from heavy energy and towards lighter energy... people, places, jobs, included.
Also, you're not doing anyone any favors by dimming your light to avoid rustling up the crabs in your life.
In fact, YOU might be the only wanderer soul in that persons life and you owe it to them to shine your brightest!
I know, it's often a thankless job.
But it's your job.
For more on crabs 🙂 - & more on the upcoming Full Moon, check out my latest youtube video.
>>> 5 Things You Should Know About The FULL Moon (September 24th 2018)
Have a great one!