December 10


3 Things You Should Know About The NEW Moon (& POWERFUL Energy Of December 2020)

This šŸŒ™ New Moonā€¦Ā 

and the entire month of December šŸ”„ is giving you the opportunity to propel yourself to NEW heights… (vibrationallyā€¦ and in your life)

It is “a ride” howeverā€¦ a roller coaster in the dark, with rusty bolts that makes unsettling creaky noises as you round each turn.Ā 

You may feel like youā€™re flying by the seat of your pants at timesā€¦

You might find yourself caught off guard by some emotional ups and downs.

You may find it difficult to stay perfectly zen like and balanced during these catalytic times…

And yet itā€™s ALL 100% perfect.

The timing.

Your emotions.

Your life’s riddlesā€¦

Your day to day… moment to moment experiencesā€¦

Perfect, divine.

All problems are opportunitiesā€¦ blessings.

All internal issues are FUEL for the ever expanding consciousness.
ā€œWow Vicā€¦

That was intriguing, but vague.ā€

I agree lol

Thatā€™s why I prepared 3 more specific… grounded themes that will more fully express the magnitude of this upcoming New Moon & the December energy as a whole.

1. Final Exam From Your Higher Self

Life has a way of ā€œcircling us backā€ through old circumstances…

Sometimesā€¦ because we didnā€™t learn the lesson.

Other times, because we DIDā€¦ (& just donā€™t yet realize it šŸ™‚

That’s what many are experiencing right now…

A recognition of spiritual growth… disguised as a circling back through old issues.

Sometimes itā€™s even more satisfying to witness ourselves responding differently to an old, previously triggering scenarioā€¦ than it is to shift out of it forever.

My best friend Aaron Doughty, is a great example of this…

Aaron grew up with a narcissistic step momā€¦ a true sociopath.

Just like out of a movie, he had a real life “evil step mom.”

She was irrational, abusive, and put Aaron through a lot of painful experiences I wonā€™t get into right nowā€¦

Throughout Aaronā€™s life heā€™s attracted MULTIPLE people that, ā€œjust so happenedā€ to possess that EXACT same energy and temperament as his step mom.Ā 

Well, during a recent visit to Aaronā€™s house I walked in to discover he was once again, caught up in the energy of yet another narcissist!

Oh boy, not again!
Give the guy a break, Right?


This was one of the most liberating days Iā€™ve ever seen Aaron experience.

In the past, these people would overwhelm Aaron…

Because of his early child hood wounds, Aaron would respond with stress, anxiety, and timidness. It was almost like he wasn’t able to realize his power in the presence of narcissistic personality types.

Not this time!

To his own astonishment… this time… even though it initially appeared that he was heading down an old familiar road… he quickly realized he wasn’t.

The way he knew was by his response.

The situation was eerily familiar… but his response was completely different.

This time instead of getting all flustered, he responded with neutrality, maintained his self respect, OWNED his power, & never for a moment forgot his true worth.

Once this internal recognition occurred, the situation resolved itself in about 5 minutes! — and that person was out of his life forever…

Well, maybe not forever… but Aaron doesn’t care, she and those like her no longer have a hold on him.

Aaron was GLOWING with satisfaction as he witnessed himself, first hand, changed… transformed… metamorphosed.

Thatā€™s what I mean when I say, ā€œhigher self tests.ā€

They are more like already graded exams handed out to you that sayā€¦ A+ (nice work šŸ™‚

It’s a good time to look closer at your life unfoldments… (& pay attention to your, perhaps NEW responses)

It’s a time to realize how far you’ve come.

2. The VOID

Sometimesā€¦ as we get close to a BIG breakthrough in lifeā€¦

Right beforeā€¦ we experience what I call, ā€œThe Void.ā€

The void is pretty much the same thing as what people call, the dark night of the soul.

We feel cut offā€¦ spiritually.

We feel lostā€¦ vulnerable… and disconnected from our essence, our faithā€¦ our power.

Old, painful emotions fill our body and shroud our perception of reality.

Itā€™s a very well rounded, sucky, and uncomfortable experience to be frank!

When youā€™re ā€œin itā€ you canā€™t see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Instead itā€™s like youā€™re descending helplessly into a deep dark abyss that youā€™ll never get out of.

Sometimes this energy state even plays out in your day to day life.

This my friend is the final pushā€¦

Itā€™s almost like a spiritual right of passage that we sometimes go through in order to match theā€¦




NEW Frequency

Thatā€™s about to explode into our life šŸ™‚

Iā€™m watching my wife go through this right nowā€¦

She has been a dedicated student of shamanism for a few years now.

Recently, fate intertwined her with a new group of highly experienced, encouraging, and truly amazing teachersā€¦ as well as HUGE opportunities to make significant advances on this path.

Weā€™re going to be spending a couple months out of each year, living in Costa Rica at a lovely retreat center with our family running plant medicine retreats with these awesome new teachers.

Jack pot for Pattie!


Yes, of courseā€¦

But… as this opportunity starts to crystalize… Pattie is finding herself overwhelmed with an intensification of many of her old doubts, fears, and wounds… all at once.

The other day, from my observation, Pattie was in the void!

We’ve all been there before…

& hopefully you remember what it implies?

3. HUGE Opportunity!

As these powerful December energies cleanse our inner worldā€¦

We are being lifted upā€¦ vibrationallyā€¦ so muchā€¦ that itā€™s time to truly rise to a whole new levelā€¦

Both within ourselvesā€¦ (more creative support, more PASSIONā€¦ more of our spiritual power is coming online)

Also within our daily livesā€¦ (these inner shifts are so grand that you might find interesting and highly intriguing opportunities just falling into your lap!)

For exampleā€¦

Most of you that have been following me know I am attempting to write a book.

Iā€™ve spoken about my ups and downs, and most importantly, my strong inner calling to pursue writing as a career.

Loe and behold, & case in point for what Iā€™m saying hereā€¦

Recently, I was put in contact with a very reputable publishing company!

I wonā€™t say until itā€™s official šŸ™‚

Parallel to that, the force that drives my writing feels stronger than ever.

My life has never felt so aligned.

Itā€™s a total transformation we are experiencing my friend.

I am just using my example simply as a metaphorā€¦

All of my ā€œenergy updatesā€ are merely accounts of whatā€™s transpiring in my own life. (there’s no unique wizardry taking place behind the scenes lol)

The reason you sometimes resonate with them is because…

We are all connectedā€¦

We are all riding the same wave šŸ™‚

We are all being influenced by these beautiful… new… uplifting energies, now sweeping the globe at unprecedented rates.

The ups, downs, voids, break downs, breakthroughs, the dark times, and the times of flow and easeā€¦

They are all part of it. (all part of the same roller coaster ride we’re on together)

All part of an epic ascension in vibration our soul chose to go through at this time.

No matter where you fall on that diverse spectrum. (up, down, or spinning around!)

youā€™re there for a reason.

Youā€™re here at this highly unique time on the planet for a reason.

And itā€™s not to failā€¦Ā 

itā€™s not to sufferā€¦

It’s not to get bounced around like a BB in a tin can.

Itā€™s to break FREE… of thousands of years of karmic oppression.

Itā€™s to transmute… your darkness into light, into consciousness, into LOVE.

Itā€™s to show… others they can do it to.

You came to succeed.

You came to conquer… yourself.

You came to THRIVE!

Can you feel it?

I know you can my friend, remember this feeling… this is the REAL you.

The you that remembers… the you that knows… the you that is capable..




astrology, December 2020 new moon, December new moon, December new moon astrology, moon, new, new moon, new moon ascension, new moon December 14th, new moon energy update, victor oddo

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  1. Wow, That was so awesome! I can't wait to see what happens in the future for you and writing as fulltime. I was just loving how you are a great writer and youtuber. Thank you Victor its been helpful. šŸ™‚

  2. Victor!
    Thank you so much this was absolutely divine timing. I am going through a dark night of the soul right now, so much so that I wasn't even aware that this is what was happening šŸ˜…

    Both times I've had a child I go through a massive dark night of the soul and there are ups and downs but it pretty much lasts through pregnancy and probably over a year. Can't remember now because my son is almost 4, and my daughter will be 1 on the 16th! I've been feeling like a mess but with spurts of energy and feeling "productive" but distracting myself with social media way too much and being impatient with my kids (I have always been one of the most patient people I know but man are kids good at triggering us (ie reflecting out old wounds to us to be healed).

    This time around has been the darkest yet. Before pregnancy with my son I was taking mindfulness workshops etc and connecting with others of a similar vibe and my awareness was at an all time high. I could see exactly what was going on in almost any situation and was able to regulate myself in a very peaceful manner. Well. Pregnancy hormones hit me hard before I knew I was pregnant and bam I was in primal protective mode! Fight flight on steroids lol.

    But as a kid and young adult I was depressed and anxious and always taking a negative perspective (keeping myself safe). I was highly cynical, especially of spirituality and in full blown victim mode while playing the "nice girl" people pleaser role. I felt like I finally found myself just before becoming pregnant with my son. I hoped the second time around would be better because I knew to expect it and that it would be my last child, so I would soak it up! But I have actually found I have been having a lot harder time and basically in survival mode 24undefined7 and my daughter will not let me leave her sight without crying hysterically.

    And this month I'm really noticing a lot of reflection on the past and how I don't want to be stuck in those patterns anymore because they are coming up more. While reading this it became so clear to me: "The reason I am here again is to learn how to LOVE myself IN this!" I have been making it wrong in a big way. Even though I know the "right" way to handle it I find myself all muddled up and just falling back on autopilot. In so many areas it's like I have given up and just surviving one day, one moment at a time. I never thought I would be back to living this way!

    But the last few days after realizing I needed to focus on my solar plexus chakra (and of course was receiving many signs pointing to it) I have been working with my solar plexus chakra and have been gaining back motivation and drive, purpose! I have more energy even with less sleep the last few nights!!

    My comment is probably longer than your entire post at this point šŸ˜‚ but I wanted to share how this has been showing up in my life AND how this post helped me. I'm going to find a good radical self love meditation video to listen to as I fall asleep šŸ˜Š

    Thanks again Vic! Always on point. šŸ™šŸ˜Š

    1. Hey I understand… somewhat, not the pregnancy or post partom thing… but having kids. Yes they can be extremely triggering. I invite any enlightened master to come babysit my 3 kids for an afternoon lol. Hey, I appreciate your comment and wish you the best with your journey my friend, much love!

    2. Jessica,

      Don't apologize for the long post, It helped me and I'll bet many others that read it. It reminded of things that I'm going through right now but didn't realize: being distracted by my phone, using it as an escape instead of doing things to move me forward. I have two kids as well but mine are in college (living at home because of lockdown). I think you're ahead of the game if you are realizing these things when your kids are so young. When you're triggered by your kids or anyone just pretend it's your creator standing there and then your reaction will be different… will be like "oh it's you" Good luck and thanks for being an awakened mom who will raise awakened kids!

  3. This is beautiful and how very inspiring. We all at times forget that weā€™re in this together, but then again, thatā€™s perfect too. Itā€™s all perfect. Iā€™m from the UK and I truly honour the work that you do for the collective, I feel your energy from all the way over here. Thank you from my heart, keep shining āœØ

    1. Hey Emily, thank you very much, I really appreciated your comment and so glad you're feeling the vibes over there in the UK! haha much love to you and your family.

  4. Wonderful, Vic. I've been watching and reading you these past 2 years or so and you are such an Inspiration. Even now reading n this today – and I'm pretty much in a good conscious & flowy state most the time and learning my lessons as I'm building my business & Path as a Coach, that I want to be the expansion of my mental and spiritual Abundance that is already there -, you can always so nicely remind me of my more elevated feel of myself and that Self-image that is precious and wise.
    Your writing is very much ready for that book, in my humble opinion: it reflects you now, as much as I understand, that deep, spiritual, casual and humorous and fun and companion you that comes across in your videos. It's naturally flowing in your writing too. Inspiration & Leadership are two cornerstones of my own Life and work and in you I see those great qualities that inspire me. I wish you all the best and that you may take all of us on another Adventure through your book: deep, meaningful introspection speckled with tearful moments and hearty laughs šŸ™‚ all the best!

  5. Thank you Victor!! Feeling so much better about the void iā€™m experiencing now šŸ™‚

  6. Been following you a while brother, just wanted to say this was the second of these posts I have read. And I love them. Not much of a reader but been really working on that last few months. And I just love your little pieces here. Keep doing you boo šŸ™šŸ¤£

  7. Your words an advice is true and helpful for the people that are starting to wake up and for us light workers to help guide them and ourselves in this new age of aquarius.

    Life is like a roller coaster, which I tell people all the time.

    Thank you Victor and Aaron for the work you light workers put out there, it does help us light workers along our spiritual path and it also helps other people to begin wakening up.

    Love n light and great blessings for you.

  8. love this post totally helps explain what's been going on its all these old patterns that are resurfacing but my reaction is non triggering and totally different thank you helps so much to clarify everything šŸ™

  9. Congratulations to Pattie and both of your adventures in Costa Rica! Iā€™m looking forward to attending one of those retreats real soon!

  10. Hi. Hello! I have never gotten so many answers in one place as I do from you alone. AMAZING! If it's not too late, I'd love to be in the 12wk group sessions. Thank you for all that you do, I have been all over the place trying to figure out what all of this means,next steps,etc.. I am 7 out of 7 on the starseed checklist though, so that's interesting… Thanks alot, Sarah Breeze

  11. Thank you Victor. Very enjoyable reading, I have been on my way through this spiritual path for a year now. i feel like i have grown so much in this year. Merry Christmas to u & your family. Lee

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