December 5


5 Spiritual Awakening Traps… (That Sabotage Growth)

Are you doing this to yourself?

If so… don’t feel bad because as you’re about to read I fell into ALL of these traps in an intense and almost embarrassing way!

If I would have known what I know now, it would have saved me YEARS of spiritual stagnation and stress.

1 – Trying To “Wake Up” Others

When we go through our own awakening, it’s usually the most exciting, interesting, and positively life altering experience of our lives!

Why wouldn’t we want others to experience this too?

Especially our loved ones!

This desire to wake everyone up is coming from a good place but it’s just not that effective

PLUS… it can distract us from our own healing.

It’s about as effective as trying to tell a teenager what they should be doing with their lives.

My daughter is 11 going on 16 and I have learned that if I want to influence her… I have a better chance telling her the OPPOSITE of what I want her to do!

Seriously though…

You woke up when you did because it was your time.

Everyone else will wake up when they are ready to… and often times, stumbling a little here and there is exactly what they need.


It’s MUCH easier to see other people’s issues than our own.

Our ego LOVES to make a job out of trying to save everyone, under the false pretense that we are just so loving and empathic… but in the process we put our own growth on the back burner.

2 – Racing To The Finish Line

Back in 2011, I went raw vegan…

I quit my “3D job”

I literally spent all day preparing my meals, (which included about a dozen super foods and supplements to decalcify my pineal gland)…

I sun gazed and spent hours each day trying to astral travel.

I had no friends, my wife was even getting sick my spiritual elitism lol… and I was not very present for my (at the time) ) 3 year old daughter that wanted nothing more than to play with daddy.

Daddy is too spiritual honey!

He’s got more important stuff to do.

I was trying to raise my vibration at an almost aggressive… and certainly unhealthy speed.

On paper, I was living an extrodinarly spiritual life, but it was fueled by a desperation to complete my spiritual awakening… which is to say, end my suffering, and escape into bliss.

Even though I was “doing all the right things” – eating healthy, dedicating myself to a spiritual practice, studying spiritual principals, etc…

I ended up becoming hyper sensitive, very irritable, very intolerant of anyone not living like I was, and also very physically weak.

I was a hot mess to put it frankly!

I was going fast… and as a result… I went slow.

It was a big learning lesson for me to chill out… enjoy the ride… and not be in such a hurry.

In going so fast, I was missing everything that was important to me.

My daughter… my wife… my family… and I also wasn’t having any fun!

3. Avoiding Anything That Isn’t “High Vibe”

During that same time period, I also swore off anything that “didn’t resonate.”

I was very picky lol.

I stopped listening to my favorite music…

I quit watching my favorite television shows…

I never drank, smoked, or partied.

I had no friends.

I had no life!

BUT… I was “high vibe” so it was all worth it.


Actually, I was living an incredibly inauthentic life.

I condemned many of my TRUE joys and passions like Rock N Roll, enjoying a couple drinks with friends (I was 26 at the time)… Mixed Martial Arts… and Game of Thrones! lol

I did this for the same reason some of you may have… and perhaps currently are…

I went through a phase of heightened sensitivity.

Anything that emitted an even slightly negative tone, like all of those things I shared above… did affect me more than usual.

Game of Thrones game me nightmares lol.

Alcohol made me feel horrible, and just didn’t resonate.

My favorite rock bands like Tool and Nine Inch Nails did feel a bit noisy and overly intense.

At the time… this imbalance was appropriate.

But I clung to it.

I created an entire identity around it.

As David Ike says… “I pitched my tent there” _ I decided this is who I now am.

So, when my adjustment period came to a close…

And those old pleasures started to resonate once again (thank God!)…

I felt a ton of guilt.

I avoided them because I had already determined that they were “wrong” or “bad.”

I didn’t move on…

I stayed in denial of my attraction to certain FUN things in life.

I was stuck, unhappy… and super BORING!

Once I realized that I couldn’t deny my actual preferences…

I couldn’t pretend that I don’t enjoy Guns N Roses music…

I couldn’t pretend that a glass of red wine, at the appropriate time, did make me feel great, loose, and take the edge off.

Once I accepted this,

I laughed to myself!

& just like that…

I snapped out of it 🙂

4. Ignoring “3D Responsibilities”

I see this a lot…

I however took this to the absolute extreme!

When I was 23, my father in law bought my wife and I a beautiful brand new home.


Once I realized that the entire planet was going to ascend into the 5th dimension on December 21st, 2012 – naturally — we decided to sell the home.

We sold the home, spent ALL of the money in less than a year…

Because of course…

Money wouldn’t be around post ascension!

I literally believed so whole heartedly that I don’t need a job, don’t need to save money, and don’t need to plan for my future because the planet is going to shift so dramatically that none of these things will mater in the end.

Well, I will never EVER forget how I felt on December 22nd!

I woke up in a shitty apartment, broke, jobless, lost, and feeling like a total idiot lol.


I realize that is an extreme example lol.

& to my defense…. and perhaps some of yours…

There is a phase of awakening when 3D responsibilities like a job, house chores, and paying taxes feels horrible!

Going to work, paying bills, and things like that seem ultra un-important in the grand scope of things.

Not only that, but they really don’t resonate, they just don’t “feel right” energetically.

What I found though, is this…

Going into debt, and the “Earthly” consequences of neglecting my responsibilities resonated even less!

I remember feeling so frustrated…

With my spirit guides. LOL

Because they let me get into such a precarious life situation.

What happened to divine assistance?


This was another powerful lesson though, in the end, and it forced me to reintegrate back into society….

It helped me come to peace with the idea that I need to earn a living.

And more so…

I realized that I could ENJOY these things…

Avoiding and resisting I believe was a step up from complete unconsciousness.

However, the next step beyond that rebellion stage is realizing that you can ENJOY the mundane Earth experience.

The real awakening is realizing that incredible awesomeness can be felt from mowing the lawn, or putting in a hard day’s work so you can go home and cook a nice meal for your family.

5. Fear Of Your Own Power

In the beginning…

We are led.

We are provided with clear signs from the universe, God, our spirit guides, higher self, whatever you want to call it.

The force… is there!

However, after a while… when you’ve put your time in… and maybe expect the force to be even stronger… it goes away!

What the heck is going on?

Ah… I just need to exercise some more faith and patience.

I will just wait here… in my collapsing life… until I get a sign!

Months, and for me – YEARS strolled by, and nothing!

Finally, I grew tired of waiting and decided to take matters into my own hands.

Ironically, once I did that, the force returned!

It was waiting on me to step into my power.

We are POWERFUL – CO – creators.

It is a dance, a relationship, a partnership… us and the divine.

In the beginning of our journey, the divine swoops us up like the spiritual babies we are, but once we grow up, it’s time to move out of the nest, and stand on our own two feet.

I say this with sarcasm but understand it’s SUPER hard… and VERY scary!

I trembled out of the nest…

Like a lost little puppy, I flopped around through life, making tons of rookie mistakes.

However, in choosing to own my power… and trying my best… I found myself.

I found a deeper layer of myself than I ever knew was there.

Now the force is back… and it’s an equal partnership.

It’s not all about vision boards, spiritual bypassing, and waiting for the next synchronicity to light the way…

And it’s also not about brute force, a masculine dominated mindset, and grinding through life.

It’s a little bit of both.

Sometimes strong wills are required to break through.

Sometimes it’s best to sit back and wait for more clarity.

Often times it’s somewhere in the middle.

Very often it’s a matter of shifting gears multiple times in a single day!

This balancing act gets easier with experience though…

And the only way to earn this discernment is by stepping out there.

Do you feel called to step out there?

Do you feel called to step into your power?

What are you waiting for?

Theres never been a better time than NOW.


awakening, awakening 2020, awakening lonely, spiritual awakening, spiritual awakening 2021, spiritual awakening symptoms, victor oddo, wanderer victor oddo

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  1. Another great post Victor! I laughed at my self as I was reading… I know some of these all too well LOL
    Thank you for the share. Love & blessings

    1. lol thanks Mari, it was a fun one to write, I laughed to myself as well as I rehashed some of those experiences.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and perspective! This is exactly what I needed to read today and be reminded of to enjoy the present moment and utilize my power rather than obsessing over a blissful future and becoming overly sensitive and ignoring my current desires. Your words are powerful and I am grateful for all the resources I have found to help guide me through this journey🙏

  3. Yes I’ve fallen into many of them, although not in as extreme a way you have – and I went through them in a shorter space of time, as I’ve been through the process in just 4 years. I loved how you expressed it all. Thanks for sharing and giving me a wry smile at myself. We all act as mirrors for each other. 💕

    1. That's wonderful to hear Shuna, and I am seeing a lot o that… people progressing very quickly! It's so hopeful to see that so many are waking up so nicely.

  4. I felt the same but it all began for me in the 90's but I had a second coming in 2014 and now I am in the spiritual hangover department where everyone around me is asleep and I look to the internet for guidance and try to find my way back to a 'life' rather than lying around meditating all day but at 60 its not that easy to renter into life again.

  5. Great great post!! Thank you for sharing all this wisdom. I am realizing I must be more balanced while working towards my breakthroughs. Heading back into some real earthy responsibilities, feeling like I’m starting all over again… but not letting all the spiritual work I’ve done be for nothing. Integrating, humbly.

  6. I have definitely fallen into each of these over the past few years. The realization that I am always exactly where I need to be has helped to stabilize the ups and downs immensely and recognize the lessons sooner. Glad to be back into Tool as well! Thanks Victor! Peace, Love and Blessings to you all.

  7. Such a satisfying post 📫 thanks victor!

    This is soo relatable. Especially the avoidance of anything not high vibe. Its so synchronistic that I saw this tonight actually because earlier today my bf so randomly put on Avenged Sevenfold which we haven't listened to in forever. These days its been mostly indie and chillstep etc, which we like a lot, but rock is my love!!! I literally grew up in a house that was all about those classics. My MOM is having more fun than me lol! And I thought today… I wonder what would happen if I allowed myself to listen to those bands again like trivium, Pantera, the offspring, etc etc. I concluded the world wouldn't end. I realized I am now strong enough to handle the low vibes whereas before I was like you, extremely sensitive to it suddenly. BTW TOOL IS AMAZING. I think its important to allow some fun.

    I also love how you said that true awakening is enjoying even the mundane things… how true is that!

    And yeah literally synchronicity is like this two way conversation and we forget that! I do one thing in accordance with my dreams and the universe is like OH here you go have allllll these confirmations and shit have fun!

    Thank you and love you guys! Wishing you and your family well 🤗🌿🙏

    1. Hey thanks so much for your response Randi-Lynne, I couldn't be happier to see that the post helped you. Sounds like you were coming to these conclusions on your own anyhow. Hey, enjoy rocking out with your boyfriend, much love to you!

  8. Awesome post! Spiritual Awakening and Tool is a perfect combo for me! Long life to Heavy Metal and…………. 11:11

  9. This is something that I think I needed to hear. I could resonate with some of what you have written. Even though I try and maintain balance I fail. And this is a reminder for me to be present. Thank you for this lovely post. 🙂

  10. Victor, you are a treasure to a wonderful community of people. Blessings to you and your family.

  11. Really great post!! I have done, or am currently doing all of these things, and it has tripped me up. I always enjoy your perspective. Thank you for all that you do to shine your light!

  12. All of these ring true to me. Thank you for another timely post that I needed to hear right now. Love and blessings to you victor 😇 xx 💜

  13. Hey Vic, this is so wonderfully written and I was humming some "uhu… yeah"'s remembering my versions of these situations and laughed out loud when your humour takes the point to another level.
    Thank you for sharing, I really enjoy reading your thoughts as they give me often welcome reminders and also possibly a clear insight on something that I was pondering about. So, thanks! Tamara

    1. Hey Tamara, great to hear from you. And thanks so much for your sweet comment, much love to you and your family.

  14. Thank you so much! After reading this article I put on some techno music that I used to love and I had so much fun dancing, and after a while I cried because of the prison that I had put myself in and how much joy this gave me. I want to be free and have fun again!

  15. Thank you…I am struggling to find my true path in generating financial flow for my family without doing what I don't want like going to a regular job everyday thats just out off energy,but this helps be to try an hold on and go through it just a little bit longer.

  16. Thank you Victor! I’ve been following you for about 3 years now because everything you post feels like I could be writing it. This. Is ME! ⬆️

    I stepped out in my power last month and signed up for Pattie’s next Women’s Sedona retreat. I’m 💯 certain you are a pivotal universal connection. Thank you for your faith! Namaste

  17. Wow! How brave of you to share your story & very helpful.

    The so called spiritual path can get you lost for sure.

    Still got to find a way to chop wood carry water & enjoy it, as I don't think to many are able to just manifest what we need to live in the 3 D plane.

    Seems that stepping into power is being adept at blending the spiritual with the practical aspects of living.

    It is impressive how you went "all in" in 2011.

  18. Thank you 💖 so very much indeed for this text and for always being so professionally positive! I have listened to you and to your wife Partie for three years, I believe it is three years, Yeah, and I just Love you! You full my heart with pure Joy and Trust! 🥰 🥰 🥰 🤖 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  19. I’ve watched a dozen or two of your videos on YouTube early in my awakening. This was in2017 after a major life event and ultimately catalyst for my awakening.
    Just like you I was “on fire” and crashed and burned into what I learned later to be the dark night of the soul. I have no clue but I feel that this time period for me is coming to a close. I feel life again and reading this today put a big smile on my face as I felt as though I could have written this.
    I’m sure man can understand that. Coming back into this reality and world “knowing” that it’s a playground for growth and nightmares and that we can co create either at times in our life.
    I have read more in the past 4 years then in the entire duration of my 38 prior years of existence. That doesn’t say much lol BUT I have over consumed both reading and audio
    Now the balance act of engaging in these 3D activities is fun again and my judgment towards others has lifted.
    Alan Watts was def a guide or temp guru for me on my journey this far
    Than you for your writing and help put into words 5 very common And relatable pitfalls
    I now laugh at myself daily with that observing feeling of self and the self 🤣
    I am above all more thankful for the “awakening” or whatever word spiritual peeps label “it” 😁
    You can never ever go back

  20. Hey V! LOL! Those are definitely 5 spiritual awakening humble pie slices! They are all so delicious…until you realize they should not have been ingested; but honored, appreciated and released! I'm feeling that trembling you mentioned, stepping out of the nest and into uncertainty…super daunting, but remembering to find balance with each passing moment. Spanks as always for sharing insights!!!!

  21. Wow, thank you Victor for this post.
    In some way, your journey as you pointed out in this post seems to be a pattern that I am taking in the present moment. I still have waaaay to go 🙂


  22. I love this !!!!! This has happened to so many people including myself. Victor I LOVE your realness that have admit things about yourself and are willing to openly share. You are such an inspiration. You have no idea. I hope to see you and Patty one day in Sedona at one of your retreats. I am in the process of figuring out how to move to AZ permanently

  23. Really really amazing post! It was super easy to read and I love your own experiences, I resonate with all of it. And I just started the processes of stepping into my own power and I feel like I'm feeling a low from not getting that constant rush of spiritual energy that comes in the beginning. Things are starting to feel slower and more mundane and I'm starting to think I'm off track, although the synchronicities are still coming. Getting back down to earth and making life happen in the 3D is hard! I appreciate your insights so much, thank you Victor!

  24. Thank you for sharing this! It’s funny because I shunned rock n roll music for a bit while I was ultra sensitive too. I was like well… guess I’m listening to hippy woo woo music ALL the time, this is fine.

    It FINALLY started resonating with me again and I’m very happy about that 😂 Being a kind, spiritual person is punk rock af!

    I laughed at myself because I’ve done all of these (and still going through some). This was a really nice reminder that we can be spiritual and still enjoy being a human.

    So Thank you!!

  25. You have no idea how much all this you're doing just tickles the daylights out of me…. I had my run in with The Big Kahuna lol in 1993, no Internet, no books that I knew of, no body no where with a single word of advice, or even just a pat on the head and reassurance that I've not become a full-blown lunatic overnight lol…but an ecstatically happy lunatic, so I would've been OK with that anyway… just more likely to keep my trap shut about it when in the presence of all those pesky "sane" (lmfao) folks 🙂 After a week or two though of coming entirely unglued at the seams all by myself, I got a phone call from my long estranged mom in Australia who had been going through the exact same thing…and neither one of us were even slightly surprised lol… just par for the new super-synchronized weird ass universe we were living in at the time. Also par for the course, was me having to do every flippin thing the hard way… for good reason in this instance, otherwise I would never have believed it myself after the new wore off… but good lord how marvellous it would have been to have someone like you around to help walk me through it, even just stumbling through yourself no doubt. I wanted to do the same for others but apparently it just wasn't meant to be…. and probably just as well lol, bc it's been one wild ride ever since 🙂

  26. Thank you 🙏 for this post!! Totally relate as I’ve also fallen into all of these patterns !! Fascinating to read, I’m not alone in this!!

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