About Us

Since 2016, we have been helping lightworkers heal, expand, and live their life's purpose by through YouTube, Victor's newsletter, spiritual retreats, and our online coaching programs.

Who we help

We work with people that are already going through an awakening process and know they are here to help raise the collective consciousness of the planet... even if they don't yet know exactly how.  

What we do

We guide people through transformation sessions either online or at our retreats that help them release their inner blockages (limiting beliefs, trauma, and unconscious patterning) and also gain clarity about their life purpose. Through our processes we also help people learn how to trust the amazing intuitive guidance they're already getting. The power in our programs are largely a result of the people involved. Through having a big internet following we are able to bring people of a like vibration together and when that happens, incredible healing, transformation, and magic is possible!

Our Philosophy

1.) Accepting both dark and light

We encourage continued, but "self paced" shadow work. We don't ignore the darkness in the world or in ourselves, rather we learn from it, we use it as fuel for reaching expanded states of consciousness and awakening to our potential. 

2.) When you start living your life's purpose... everything else falls into place

Abundance, happiness, great health, and deep relationships, we find come naturally as a byproduct when you commit to first discovering, but then commit to and LIVE your life's purpose. 

3.) You can ALWAYS trust your intuition

With that said, we know this is not always easy! That's why we really focus on helping our clients learn to trust that intelligent force. Sometimes the methods of our intuition or higher self if you prefer... are a bit questionable! Sometimes we don't know WHY we are feeling called to do certain things, but we do know that every inspired step leads to more peace, happiness, and freedom.

4.) The spiritual path does not have to be a lonely one.

I love the saying, "the greatest guru can't take a single step for you." In a sense that is true, but life full of paradoxes and we find that when we walk those steps together we can move a little faster, avoid unnecessary stumbles, and the path is a lot less lonely and a heck of a lot more fun! We have seen miracles occur countless times when people of a like mind work together and wouldn't be where we are at had we not had a lot of help along the way.

Who we are

"Hey my friend! 

My name is Victor Oddo and I help people navigate through their awakening process." :)

I do not work alone however... here is my team!

My journey began...

In 2009 I had what people call a "Spontaneous Kundalini Awakening." This is basically just an intense awakening catalyst. At the time however I had no idea what was happening to me. I was having all sorts of bizarre and unexplainable experiences and also many unsettling physical symptoms such as severe depression, exhaustion, insomnia, and some other unusual ones! 

Even after I discovered that I was experiencing a spiritual awakening which is ultimately a positive happening, I was still completely lost. I had nobody to talk to, nowhere to turn, and absolutely no idea how to naviaged this challenging, amazing, terrifying, and unusual process.

Consequently, I have made just about every mistake imaginable. Now, I know there are no "real mistakes" however I do know that my awakening process, had I been provided with guidance, would have been a million times smoother, faster, and less stressful. 

But now, having had such a sloppy awakening! I now am able to be a guide for others. In 2016, I quit my personal training business and medical marijuana grow operation to dedicate my life fully to what I felt was my life purpose.  That's when my YouTube channel came out and once I committed to my purpose, the rest is history!

My life is not perfect and I am still learning, growing, and being humbled every day, but my life, both inner and outer have transformed, improved, and upgraded in ways I could have never dreamed!

I am happy, healthy, and even as an introvert, my life is filled with AMAZING "soul mate" friends and family. Yes, that does happen! You will attract your "soul tribe" into your life.

My job... is my joy, my passion, and purpose!

I am abundant, free, and at peace.

There were MANY times I questioned if this path would benefit me in a way to justify all the challenges, but it has. And I have seen it do so for thousands of others. It is my absolute pleasure to work with people going through this transformation process and help them reach the other side of the dark night of the soul, and the symptoms, and the confusion, and the major life transitions into their purpose. 

I was alone for almost a decade, but you don't have to be my friend and I am so grateful that yo have found this page. Thanks for stopping by!


Victor Oddo

PS. If you want to connect, you can checkout my YouTube channel, newsletter, or come to one of my retreats. 

peace my friend!