December 27


The LAST Full Moon of 2020 (3 Things You Should Know)

Can you believe this wild year we’ve had?


It was not easy… and yet… gave us EXACTLY what we needed to have an extraordinary 2021!

This Full Moon, on December 29th is ushering in a new age… a new YOU.

This energy is filled with creative PASSION (and divine support).

This time is about you connecting with your divine powers…

This time is about capitalizing on the lessons you’ve learned this year… (including the mistakes)… those serve you as well 🙂

Most importantly…

This time is about finally…. putting your divinely inspired creations… “out there.”

You are ready my friend… and so is the world!

1. Your Come Back! (time to soar)

One of the marks of a true champion is their ability to “bounce back” from adversity.

I was listening to a podcast episode the other day with Jerry Seinfeld… one of the most successful comedians of all time.

Jerry was talking about a certain comedy club in L.A… (the name escapes me)…

but apparently, this is “The Spot” to get into if you wanted to make it comedy back in the 70’s.

Jerry had just come over from New York and had a lot of attention on him…

The problem was…

the owner of that comedy club did not like Jerry…

In fact she said specifically…

“Sometimes people need to be STOMPED on in life… and I’m going to be that someone”

She didn’t let him in… and Jerry was crushed… bitter… and hopeless.

That was my only chance!

Jerry thought…

Not long after that major set back… Jerry made a LIFE CHANGING decision that, to this day, he credits for his success.

Jerry chose to USE that rejection… as fuel!

He went from dabbling in his comedic writing, to writing EVERY DAY.

He started putting in 5X more effort… he was determined…

To this day, almost 50 years later he credits that daily writing habit and work ethic… that resulted from his set back… for the success he has today.

Sometimes during this spiritual journey…

We regress

We find ourselves caught back up in cycles from the past…

cycles we thought we had transcended.

For spiritual people this is tough!

ALL of us… already… have put so much time, energy, and focus into our growth…

So, when we slip back, it’s very EASY… to be really hard on ourselves.

However, if we can avoid needlessly punishing ourselves… and USE the “set back” like Jerry did….

This Full Moon has the potential to bounce you back…

& catapult you forward at blasting speeds!

But, you must forgive yourself…

You must forget the past…

You must make the choice… to not give up.

This energy on the planet right now is VERY expansive and supportive…

Get back on the horse and try again, it’s going to be different this time.

2. The Veil Is THIN…

People always say… “The Veil Is Thinning.”

As if, the veil will eventually become thin.

NOW is that time my friend…

“The veil” ~ for lack of a better word… is currently VERY thin!

There has never been an easier time… to consciously connect to your divine counter parts… (spirit guides, higher knowledge, creative passions, etc)

You, and I both have an opportunity to imbue ALL areas of our lives with energy and guidance from our higher consciousness.

A big part of this… for some of us… is a “remembering” our connection with the stars…

Don’t be surprised if your star family starts reaching out to you more… through synchronicity and especially the dream time.

This is a big part of the quantum leap in consciousness humanity is experiencing…

Just a couple nights ago I had a pretty cool “run in.”

So, all week I have been experiencing OBE’s… (out of body experiences).

This isn’t a common thing for me by the way. It happens here and there, but not every night!

Well, just a couple nights ago, I had another OBE..

meaning, I was laying in bed wide awake…

I felt a lot of energy start to move through my body… (this is the indicator you’re about to pop out!)

Then… inn a relaxed fashion, I “mentally willed myself” out of my body.

That’s the best way I can explain how I do it lol.

As I started to leave my body, I saw, pretty clearly… 2 ETs hovering above me. (right there in my bedroom!)

They were what people call, “The Greys.”

A couple other things happened right after that I won’t get into… but the experience culminated with me seeing a beautiful (& almost glowing) yellow butterfly flying right in front of me.

To me that was a symbol of the epic transformation… that is happening right now.

As BIZARRE of an experience this was for me… intuitively, I felt very safe.

Anyways, I know that story was pretty out there for some of you! Lol

I shared it because, for those that are interested, and resonate with the idea of connecting with beings from other dimensions, including your own guides… now has never been an easier time.

3. A GREAT Time To Create Something NEW

This Full Moon is literally beaming with creative potential.

More specifically, it’s shinning a bright light on the creative genius that you’ve always had inside of yourself.

AND… compelling you to go for it!

What do you feel inspired to create?

Or, maybe you’ve already created something and just need to put it out?

A lot of people are feeling an intuition that something “wants to come through.”

Unfortunately… a lot of these amazing and powerful people are holding out on us!

They are doubting themselves…

They are letting their friends and family get in their heads.

They are resisting their soul’s urge… to give birth to something extraordinary!

Is that you?

I sure hope not my friend.

The world is more ready for what you have than you think…

What you came to share… may not be understood… or supported by your parents, co-workers, or neighbors…

& that’s okay.

Luckily, they are not the planet’s gatekeepers that decide what divinely inspired expressions are allowed to come through!

We live in a very diverse world…

(in terms of levels of consciousness).

& people… are waking up FAST!

NOW is the time…

& what I can say from personal experience with this…

For one, I know it’s REALLY hard!

The inner critic is a VERY formidable foe…

But what I have learned is that…

You don’t have to be perfect.

Mistakes are a big part of success.

The more you shine… the more you will trigger smaller minds around you.

The most important thing I’ve learned that I will leave you with is this…

It doesn’t even matter if anyone digs your creations…

Who knows, maybe you’re ahead of your time?

I can say this though…

It feels GOOD to create…

It feels wonderful to express!

Create… for the sake of creating.

It’s what you came to do.

You can watch the video update here 🙂


astrology, December 29th, December energy update, December full moon, full moon, full moon astrology, full moon December 29th, full moon energy update, spiritual awakening, victor oddo

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  1. Perfectly put Victor! Your words have a way of reaching me intuitively and on another sort of level. Thank you for all you do and for constantly inspiring me to be the best that I can be in this lifetime. You really have made a difference for me these past two years and for that I cannot possibly thank you enough. Love and Light


    1. Hey Michael, thank you so much for sharing that, I am absolutely flattered, humbled, and honored to be a part of your journey in that way. Much love to you my friend.

  2. About to pop out lol, that's a good way to say it, & sounds so funny😂, yet it's very true☝… Thank you Vic! Your updates help me right along. Im very appreciative & grateful for the guidance you truly provide🙏✨… Much love! Namaste🙏

  3. About to pop out lol, that's a good way to say it, & sounds so funny😂, yet it's very true☝… Thank you Vic! Your updates help me right along. Im very appreciative & grateful for the guidance you truly provide🙏✨… Much love! Namaste🙏

  4. Your guidance comes to me just at the right time and the right way. It is s divine message for me! Thankyou so much. You are a great teacher.

    1. You're very welcome Malini… I always look at it like… you are good at attracting, to yourself, the right message at the right time… I just happen to be that message… but the alignment and resonance you feel is because of your power of attraction… thanks none the less though 🙂

  5. wow thanks Vic! i was surprised but pleased to hear you felt safe in the company of greys,i have been lead to believe they are soul-less,emotionless,drones if you like. so would you say i have been mislead about them? I dont know i would be so calm with an encounter with greys,or should i think of them as individuals just as humans,some good,some not so good? Many thanks for any input…. Lou x

  6. Which video covers the kundalini

    breath exercise please?

    l have been

    looking for that particular info for a few

    weeks now…

    So glad l found YOU❣

  7. It sounded like my life unfolding. I can relate to so many feelings. I didn’t click on the link quick enough and it went to the add, so I missed your kundalini punches morning routine.

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